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Giant Bomb News


Covet This Incredible-Looking Samus Aran Figurine

Then balk at its ludicrous price tag.

The latest plastic-trinket-you-don't-need from figurine masters First 4 Figures is so effing cool I almost--almost!--want to ignore its $225 price tag and grab one. It's Samus Aran clad in the Phazon Suit from Metroid Prime, and it is absolutely rife with that sexiest instrument of low-wattage illumination, the LED. 

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I defy you to look at these pictures without kind of, sort of thinking about ordering one. If you do take leave of your senses long enough to place an order, do it quickly; the thing is limited to a run of 1500 pieces.

Every time I get to the brink of buying something like this, I keep myself at bay by asking myself what exactly I'm going to do with it. Since the answer is invariably "clutter my desk with it for a few months before putting it in the closet," it's not hard to reestablish self-control. For those of you who do make a habit of this kind of thing, what do you do with them? Do yours end up in boxes too? Do you have vacuum-sealed glass display cases all over your house, museum-style? If anyone's rocking a serious collection of nerdy items, I'd love to see a photo gallery.

(Via Offworld)
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