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Giant Bomb News


Blizzard's Trying to Trap Me!

I will not click on this link. I WILL NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK.

I ain't gonna fall for no banana in no tailpipe, weird undead guy!
I ain't gonna fall for no banana in no tailpipe, weird undead guy!
With World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King officially going on sale tomorrow, Blizzard wants the whole world to be thinking about their world... of Warcraft.

Check out this e-mail I just got...


You've been summoned back to Azeroth! Your World of Warcraft® account [REDACTED] has been selected to receive 10 FREE days of game time and a FREE trial of The Burning Crusade® expansion pack.

During your 10 FREE days, you'll have access to all of the new and exciting features that have been added to World of Warcraft, including:

  • Faster Leveling Times -- Ascend to the epic powers of the highest levels faster than ever before! Your hero will level almost twice as fast from level 1 to 60.
  • Mounts at Level 30 -- Why walk when you can ride? Mounts are now available at level 30 to get you around faster.
  • The Continent of Outland -- Journey beyond the Dark Portal and into the shattered world of Outland to discover the fate of its denizens. Explore an entire continent loaded with thousands of new quests.
  • Two Bold New Races -- Whether embracing the mystical energies of the blood elves or unleashing the Light-given power of the draenei, new realms of power and possibility await.
  • Increased Level Cap -- Advance to level 70 with The Burning Crusade, gaining powerful new talents and abilities along the way.
  • And much more! Click here to view the latest content additions to World of Warcraft.

I had no idea mounts had been lowered to level 30. That's crazy! And, again, how is leveling from 1 to 60 twice as fast a good thing? Why don't they just cut to the chase and let players create characters that start at 60? They're really just saying "HEY MAN SKIP ALL THIS STUFF WE MADE BEFORE (EVEN THOUGH IT WAS AWESOME) AND BUY THE EXPANSIONS ALREADY."

The weird thing is that the e-mail doesn't make any mention of the new expansion, just the last one, Burning Crusade. It's like they're setting some sort of trap, where I'll get back into the game, love it all over again, go out to buy Burning Crusade, and suddenly realize that there aren't one but TWO expansions out.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+