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    Achievements are extra challenges added into video games that sometimes carry a point value or unlock bonus material, and are sometimes solely for bragging rights.

    Achievements + "The Situation"

    Avatar image for jjweatherman


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    Edited By JJWeatherman

    Just right off the bat, no I won't be discussing anything related to Jersey Shore this evening. Now that half of the potential readers have been filtered out, down to business.   :P
    I want to talk some about achievements. I also want to say something about all the community crap going on recently, but I'll keep that short and save it for the end.
    So achievements are in my opinion one of the single greatest innovations in recent gaming. After Microsoft established them, Sony then went on to duplicate the experience. I'm not complaining because even though trophies are an obvious rip of achievements, it adds to the Playstation experience, and that's not a bad thing. I can't explain my need for achievements, it's just a thing to do I guess. I think anyone reading this probably understands.

    No Caption Provided
    So as I was exploring some of the sites new features in the latest code push, I found myself re-exploring some of the sites more seasoned features that have been mostly forgotten by myself lately. I rediscovered the greatness of the achievement tracking system in particular. The various sorting options, graphs, rarity coding, and game ranks are all awesome and I think they should be appreciated more. I decided I wanted to find the rarest achievements I have ever unlocked and with a couple clicks, bam they're right there for my viewing pleasure.
    My #1 rarest achievement is something of an ironic one. It's from a game I have grown to despise. That game is Guitar Hero 3. I think the reasons I have come to despise the series are probably clear, I don't want to get into that anyways. But the achievement is "Streak Masters" which requires the player to sustain a note streak until you hit 2,000. There are only roughly 105 people that have this achievement on the entire site. That seems odd to me, achieving a 2,000 note streak really isn't even that hard when playing with another person (which I assume is how I got it). It's actually pretty funny because I think my top 5 rarest achievements are all for GH3.
     I guess the points I want to get across are:
    1. The Guitar Hero series is now garbage thanks to Activision and Neversoft.
    2. Giant Bomb has some awesome features that shouldn't be forgotten. 
    I encourage all of you dear readers to sort your achievements by rarity and see if you have an achievement that less then 100 people on the site have obtained. There's tons of other stuff to check out too. I don't know why I had to point all this out. I guess since I had forgotten, I figured a lot of you guys may have too. So yeah, achievements are still cool.
    I have one last thing to say about people leaving the site and all the controversy going on between the community. I probably should just avoid comment on this but hey, I'm a part of the community and I have an opinion. Therefore I command you to read my views... if you feel like it.   :P
    I think that what people were saying in a couple select threads was first of all pretty rude and secondly really immature. Users shouldn't be bashing other users for no good reason like that. If some people have a heavy preference towards the staffs content, that's fine. Those people don't need to put others down though and basically call them--and any content they produce--useless, boring, etc. It's really rude. There's no need to act so immature. On the other side though are the people that take this stuff way too seriously. Those rude people may be immature but I think anyone that wants to up and leave the site entirely after such a minor squabble are just as immature. I posted something similar in someone elses blog earlier but basically how I feel is that you can't just run away from adversity. If you try, you will be running your whole life. Anyone who was truly offended by things said by others need to grow up and realize that most of the people probably didn't fully mean what they said. People like to talk on the internet, that's a fact. Some people just talk for the sake of talking and they shouldn't be listened to. Well this is going on longer than I wanted it to (as expected). I guess what I'm trying to get this community to realize is how childish and "high school drama-ish" this whole situation seems. Lets try to not take everything in the forums so seriously. Laugh it off. This is a video game website after all!
    And now, for something completely different!
      Peace out ya jive turkeys!
    Avatar image for jjweatherman


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    #1  Edited By JJWeatherman

    Just right off the bat, no I won't be discussing anything related to Jersey Shore this evening. Now that half of the potential readers have been filtered out, down to business.   :P
    I want to talk some about achievements. I also want to say something about all the community crap going on recently, but I'll keep that short and save it for the end.
    So achievements are in my opinion one of the single greatest innovations in recent gaming. After Microsoft established them, Sony then went on to duplicate the experience. I'm not complaining because even though trophies are an obvious rip of achievements, it adds to the Playstation experience, and that's not a bad thing. I can't explain my need for achievements, it's just a thing to do I guess. I think anyone reading this probably understands.

    No Caption Provided
    So as I was exploring some of the sites new features in the latest code push, I found myself re-exploring some of the sites more seasoned features that have been mostly forgotten by myself lately. I rediscovered the greatness of the achievement tracking system in particular. The various sorting options, graphs, rarity coding, and game ranks are all awesome and I think they should be appreciated more. I decided I wanted to find the rarest achievements I have ever unlocked and with a couple clicks, bam they're right there for my viewing pleasure.
    My #1 rarest achievement is something of an ironic one. It's from a game I have grown to despise. That game is Guitar Hero 3. I think the reasons I have come to despise the series are probably clear, I don't want to get into that anyways. But the achievement is "Streak Masters" which requires the player to sustain a note streak until you hit 2,000. There are only roughly 105 people that have this achievement on the entire site. That seems odd to me, achieving a 2,000 note streak really isn't even that hard when playing with another person (which I assume is how I got it). It's actually pretty funny because I think my top 5 rarest achievements are all for GH3.
     I guess the points I want to get across are:
    1. The Guitar Hero series is now garbage thanks to Activision and Neversoft.
    2. Giant Bomb has some awesome features that shouldn't be forgotten. 
    I encourage all of you dear readers to sort your achievements by rarity and see if you have an achievement that less then 100 people on the site have obtained. There's tons of other stuff to check out too. I don't know why I had to point all this out. I guess since I had forgotten, I figured a lot of you guys may have too. So yeah, achievements are still cool.
    I have one last thing to say about people leaving the site and all the controversy going on between the community. I probably should just avoid comment on this but hey, I'm a part of the community and I have an opinion. Therefore I command you to read my views... if you feel like it.   :P
    I think that what people were saying in a couple select threads was first of all pretty rude and secondly really immature. Users shouldn't be bashing other users for no good reason like that. If some people have a heavy preference towards the staffs content, that's fine. Those people don't need to put others down though and basically call them--and any content they produce--useless, boring, etc. It's really rude. There's no need to act so immature. On the other side though are the people that take this stuff way too seriously. Those rude people may be immature but I think anyone that wants to up and leave the site entirely after such a minor squabble are just as immature. I posted something similar in someone elses blog earlier but basically how I feel is that you can't just run away from adversity. If you try, you will be running your whole life. Anyone who was truly offended by things said by others need to grow up and realize that most of the people probably didn't fully mean what they said. People like to talk on the internet, that's a fact. Some people just talk for the sake of talking and they shouldn't be listened to. Well this is going on longer than I wanted it to (as expected). I guess what I'm trying to get this community to realize is how childish and "high school drama-ish" this whole situation seems. Lets try to not take everything in the forums so seriously. Laugh it off. This is a video game website after all!
    And now, for something completely different!
      Peace out ya jive turkeys!
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    #2  Edited By Red12b
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    #3  Edited By JJWeatherman
    @Red12b said:
    " @JJWeatherman:  
    Kumbaya? "
    Kumbaya indeed good sir. Nice post, lol.
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    #4  Edited By MetalGearSunny

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    #5  Edited By Xandurson

    Thank you for saying what I have been thinking this whole time. I will stand by this site because I love the people who run it not the people in the forums. If there is a single website where you like everything everybody says in the forums than you sir, are dreaming. It's just not possible, people are disagree/argue/troll. You can't do anything about it. But the very last thing you should do is leave because if you leave than the people who you dislike have won. And you do not want them to win.
    Also congrats on the GH3 achievement. I never got that one because mainly I didn't care enough. Maybe now that I'm better at the game I will try again.

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