Looking for a new year game

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Poll Looking for a new year game (43 votes)

Red Dead Redemption 2 7%
The Witcher 3 60%
Cyberpunk 2077 33%

Hey dudes :)

I've just started my new job this week (It went great) and I'm going to be working shifts, meaning I have a whopping THREE HOURS a day free to play games (I used to have like two hours a WEEK), so I'm eager to sink my teeth into a big game.

But I can't decide which one to get!!

Now, a little explanation:

I have played a bit of Red Dead already. I got to about chapter...four? But then I had to sell my Series X to pay my bills. Now I'm in a much better place and I'm considering buying it for my Series S (Would the save I had when playing originally be on the cloud to download? I had game pass at the time. I just don't want to play through the boring opening slog again)

I've already played the Witcher on the PS4 the week it came out, and I really, really liked it. But I can't remember ANYTHING about it, and I remember it being mint, so I wanna play it again. The fact that it's just come out with the current gen boost makes it EXTRA appealing to jump back into

I haven't touched Cyberpunk, or I don't really know much about it outside of the original E3 trailer way back when. It looked really cool back then, but I heard it was plagued with bugs when it came out. Is it decent now?

Looking back to hearing from all of you. Happy holidays :D

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It's the perfect time to play through Witcher 3 again now that the next-gen update is here. If I were you I'd do that. Considering going back to it myself. Like you, I played it around when it came out and thought it was amazing, but never got around to playing the DLCs, and I hear they're awesome.

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Damn. Three hours a day. That's the dream, buddy. I currently get about 3 hours or so a week, and I spend that time playing Fortnite with my little brother who lives in a different country, so I actually play no games at the moment :')

I voted for Witcher 3 before reading the post, but came here to say Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game for your purposes. That game has a kind of momentum that never lets up, so the fact that you can play every day will likely make it a better experience for you than if you were playing on-and-off throughout the weeks. Also the snowy beginning of the game makes a pretty good Christmas game, too.

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Play what’s new to you, I say. cyberpunk is mostly fixed, at least on pc and PS5. Dunno the status with a series S, but that’s easy enough to check out before you buy. I am on several records as a cyberpunk liker, I think it’s worth anyone’s time now if you like yourself an open world game with interesting story beats and setting.

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Good to hear you're back on your feet and in a better place. I'd say Cyberpunk just because it's the only one you haven't really touched yet and that seems more appealing to me than playing something that you've played already.

Now, there is a part of me that says i you own Witche 3 already and can play it upgraded without extra cost then go with that.

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My vote is for Witcher 3. It's the best thing CDPR has made and Rockstar's brand of cowboy shenanigans seems a bit bland by comparison.

Even with Cyberpunk mostly fixed, there's something about the aesthetic and mission design that seems second-hand.

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Yeah, the thing about Cyberpunk is that even with bugs fixing, the story and mission design isn't that interesting and that's the reason you come to these games for.

Witcher on the other hand is the opposite, it's extremely riveting.

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I have to agree about the Witcher 3. If enough time has gone by since you played it that you don't remember anything about it, then now with the next-gen update is the perfect time. But keep in mind, people are claiming the new update is murder on their PC with memory leaks and other issues. The other two games, RDR2 and CP2077 are games I like as well and think are good. But in terms of overall quality, Witcher 3 is better. CP2077 should be pretty affordable now also, so make that your second game. That's a lot of gaming for well into the new year before other big new releases come out. As far as RDR2? It's the less buggy of the 3 games, so you might want to take that into consideration.

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Witcher 3 but keep in mind it's a very long game.

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Not only is it long but it's not paced well. Act 1 goes on forever.

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I voted The Witcher 3, even though I ended up being fairly meh about it. My advice is completely ignore any “treasure” sidequest, and potentially play on Hard difficulty. The combat can get pretty laughably simple otherwise. I’ve been told the DLC, especially Blood and Wine, is essential playing, but I had already run out of steam by the time I hit the base game’s credits.

The poll is keeping you safe from spending any more time in RDR2.