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Favorite Wikis by Marino

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I've created over 3800 pages over the years here at Giant Bomb. About 800 of them came from the years I spent documenting EverQuest stuff on the site. Many of them are for games or developers which did not have a page, so I felt obligated to add one. But, there are also a bunch (especially some crazy concepts) that were just super fun to get added to the site. And that's what this list is about. Out of the 2500+ pages I've created, these are my 100 favorite ones.

When I say I created these pages, that doesn't mean I put in the bulk of the work on every single one to make them what they are today. After adding them to the site, some have been elaborately built by other members of the community here.

Here's how they're currently divided them up:

  • 1-7: Top 7 (the ones that'll show up in a sidebar)
  • 8-38: Concepts
  • 39-41: Boxes
  • 42-65: EverQuest
  • 66-75: Games
  • 76-84: Characters
  • 85-86: People
  • 87-89: Objects
  • 90-91: Locations
  • 92-100: Crafting

List items

  • It may sound crazy, but I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for PlayStation Underground. I certainly wouldn't have gone to ten E3s and met a ton of great people in the industry. And, without the E3 experience, I may have never decided to go to PAX. I had a ton of info to use on the wiki leftover from my fan site that I used to run. Luckily, when I asked Jeff about it a few days after GB launched, he agreed that Underground had a place on the site. This page was my first big project on the site.

  • I've created all of the annual E3 pages on the site, so this represents all of those together. I've tried to document each year as best I can, which includes the many photos I took from 1999-2006 as well as scanned documents and such. Finding documentation of what games were at E3 1996 (for example) is harder than it sounds.

  • I've also created all the PAX pages on the site so far. I started going in 2008 and haven't missed a Prime or East since. I typically take hundreds of photos at the event, which is not only great for documenting the event visually, but also allows me to go back and make sure every game and dev I saw has a page in the wiki.

  • This page, formerly the Academy of Interactive Achievement Awards, was a doozy. At first, I had every year on one page, but it was crashing people's browsers, so Dave had me break it up into separate years. Now, this main page just lists the winners each year and acts as a hub to the rest of the pages.

  • Easily one of my top favorites. And the default image explains it so well.

  • This one is super obscure and that's why I love it. Ridge Racer and Vib Ribbon officially supported this concept of taking the game out of the PlayStation and replacing it with a music CD.

  • /pizza

  • Not many games feature an actual alcohol tolerance skill that levels up and/or matters. I'm mostly just proud of the default image though. Operating a hamburger is tough.

  • This is one of those concept pages that I couldn't believe did not already exist. Everyone knows there's something back there.

  • This concept page came about after some of the early footage of MKX was released. Of course that wasn't the first game to feature this though.

  • While I made this page primarily for EverQuest purposes, clockworks are not exclusive to EQ of course. I always found them simultaneously interesting and creepy as hell. Damn gnomes.

  • Fun Fact: Death Jr. was the first PSP game publicly shown.

  • "What would you like your tombstone to say?"

  • Remember when PSN went down for like a month and then they gave us all some free games? Well, that wasn't the only time this has happened. Undertow anyone?

  • Because you bought that copy of Zookeeper on Blu-ray just to play the new Ratchet & Clank demo.

  • Where do MMOs go when they die? They go on this chart I made documenting how long they survived.

  • Made famous by Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, this is when the game actively encourages you to beat your friends' times/scores. Not simply a leaderboard.

  • Old MMOs gotta stay relevant somehow. EverQuest got a revamp just three years after release and they've been using the same character models for the last thirteen years. The animations on the "new" models are still awful.

  • Another concept that I was surprised didn't exist. How do you represent haste in one photo? I think I did alright.

  • One of my more recent additions. "Filling halflings with pie" will always be a personal favorite.

  • People often don't understand this one. The example I use is snakes in EverQuest. Generic mobs like that are usually of the warrior class. Warriors have a "kick" skill. So, that means this moss snake here will occasionally kick you, which is inappropriate because...well...he doesn't have any feet. And that, my friends, deserves a concept page.

  • I hope you have some sand. Or an Ether medallion.

  • Not the act of flying a kite, but rather the tactic used to kill one or more enemies while simultaneously running away from it/them.

  • How did we not have a kobold page already? *Bark!*

  • Isn't it just glorious when games do this?

  • My name is Marino.

  • The PAX 10 has become less and less important at PAX in recent years in my opinion thanks to the Indie Megabooth. And, in 2015, they added a "PAX Rising" booth that was prominently placed with indie stuff while the PAX 10 is up on the 6th floor. Kinda sad considering this is how I learned about games like The Maw, Bastion, and Fez.

  • A concept that when explained to players today sounds insane.

  • When your high level shaman friend dumps a bunch of buffs on you, pulls a bunch of mobs, and then slows them all for you.

  • Go ahead. Jump around. Jump up and get down.

  • Pulling is an art. Being able to split up a group of mobs is the difference between a steady flow of exp and wiping out your friends.

  • Never a good sign.

  • One of the coolest things about the endless remakes we're getting. Too bad not many of them do this.

  • The original Dynasty Warriors was a 3D fighting game. It was actually pretty good. Then they fucked it up.

  • I like this one just because it reminds me of Fable. Man...remember how good Fable II was?

  • The default image here is of a Fungi Tunic, which gave its wearer a significant amount of health regeneration. Plenty for a low level EQ player to survive most fights, which made leveling up way easier. Modern games generally put level restrictions on powerful items like this.

  • Not just for fighting games you know. Just think about entering those codes on NBA Jam.

  • That moment when you first discover this in the original Zelda was a real mind fuck.

  • I'd really like to spend some time on this page documenting the games that qualify and the color of their cartridges.

  • Ooh, shiny!

  • Yes, that's what those shifty 3D ridges things are called.

  • I didn't create the EverQuest page itself, but I did turn it into the largest wiki page on the site. But I did create all of the location pages including the following "continent" pages. The first of which is Antonica; the biggest land mass on the face of Norrath.

  • Faydwer is land full of magic and is home to the dwarves, elves, and gnomes of Norrath.

  • Kunark was the first expansion to EverQuest. It might still be the best one too.

  • Luclin is one of Norrath's moons and was the third expansion to the game.

  • Odus is a small continent to the west of Antonica which is home to the Erudites. It is probably the least visited continent in the game.

  • Velious is an icy continent which was the second expansion to the game. It's personally my favorite for how it featured a 3-way faction war that engulfed the land.

  • C'mon now.

  • The one, true BFG.

  • This earring briefly made me one of the richest people on my server. All thanks to pottery. I wrote a blog about a while back, which you could read about here:

  • The thirst quencher.

  • Yep. The blonde elf lady you see on every EQ box has a name.

  • Guk is one of the original, high-level dungeons in EverQuest. From the Flowing Black Silk Sash to the Shiny Metallic Robes, it was full of loot that people lusted for. For years, it was camped to the gills with people slaughtering countless frogloks; live or undead.

  • Jumjum is the ever versatile crop grown by the halflings of Rivervale. It is used in juice, jam, honey, cakes, pies, alcohol, and (of course) smoking.

  • Better known as Sleeper's Tomb, this zone is legendary in both EQ lore and in terms of the history of the game. It was the first time the game featured a one-time-only encounter.

  • Say what now? We just called him "Lord Bob."

  • I camped this asshole for 19 hours straight. It was an experience I'll likely never forget. But, if I ever do, I wrote a blog about it, which you can read here:

  • The Paw of Opolla was one of the first lengthy quests I remember completing in EQ. It took me all over the world and back, which meant venturing out to places I'd never been before. The sense of adventure and fear of the unknown is something that will never be recaptured in any game.

  • Before it got changed, the Plane of Mischief was my favorite zone in all of EverQuest. It was pure madness and truly unique for many reasons. I spent much of the Summer of 2001 exploring its many crazy quests, which I should really write about someday.

  • The Plane of Sky was one of the first realms of the gods introduced in EverQuest. It is/was super difficult and had many little quirks that made it both frustrating and endearing.

  • The rogue epic weapon quest may have been one of the easiest of the bunch, but it was also the only one that had multiple endings. Full disclosure, this picture is my character.

  • The first zone I ever laid my eyes on in EverQuest. Home to the halflings of Norrath. The polka midi music is still stuck in my head.

  • Aside from Sleeper's Tomb, this was the end-game content of the Velious expansion. So many dragons to kill, so little time. My guild spent many 16-hour-a-day weekends in here farming loot for everyone. At times, it was monotonous as fuck. At other times, it was disheartening as we learned the ins-and-outs of each encounter by getting so close to winning, then wiping out. But, looking back, some of my favorite memories of the game were here.

  • The cleric epic weapon was notoriously difficult due to one major bottleneck named Zordak Ragefire. All the luck I ever had in this world was cashed in when I got Ragefire to spawn in one hour, which you can read about here:

  • Yeah. This mother fucker right here.

  • One of the earliest things I did on the wiki here was filling out the TI-99/4A library. That was my first game console and Car Wars was likely the game I spent the most time with, so I chose this to represent my work on all those TI-99/4A pages.

  • I've included several game pages here for games that do not exist. I actually got to see Fear Effect 3 at E3 one year. The trailer that Eidos showed used Linkin Park. You can't get more 2002 than that.

  • Intelligent Qube is one of my favorite cult classics from the original PlayStation.

  • Another game that does not exist. I played this at E3 2005. I had high hopes for it considering the Griffey games from Nintendo were fun. It was terrible.

  • The lack of Pictochat on 3DS is a crime. Just imagine how many dicks were drawn in those early years of PAX.

  • Project Wormhole is a community-influenced game created within PlayStation Underground over the course of a little over a year.

  • Buy Sentris!

  • When events like E3 and the VGAs roll around, it's a mad dash to get games added to the site. I can't take credit for the work that went into making many of these pages great, but I did get them started. Rather than fill up my top 100 with them, I'm just using Skyrim as an example. Others include Metal Gear Solid V, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Massive Chalice, Titanfall, Mario Kart 8, Star Wars Battlefront, Uncharted 4, No Man's Sky, Game of Thrones, Crackdown 3, Bloodborne, Mass Effect Andromeda, inFamous Second Son, and more.

  • Yet another game that does not exist. I played it at E3 2003 and it was quite fun even though I never would've been able to get 4 people to play together at home. Part of the game survived as "Navi's Trackers" the GameCube version of Four Swords Adventures.

  • You're a hamster. You have a forklift. And you seem to like national flags a whole bunch. What's not to love?!

  • The true star of Mortal Kombat X.

  • Such a terrible game, but I still love this guy. That era of weird stuff on PlayStation is one of my favorites. Sadly, Phil Hartman's last credit. "Grab a mop, because there's gonna be guts on the ceiling!"

  • My main in MKX. She's not used much in tournament play, but I don't care. She's great. Read the comics.

  • Kerri Hoskins is mostly known for playing Sonya in MK3. I can't claim to have created her person page (although I did fill it in), but I did create her character page for her appearance in NBA Jam!

  • Maggie, as some of you know now thanks to Demo Derby, is the host of PlayStation Underground in the later episodes.

  • Mistress Helga (played by Kerri Hoskins) is the main villain in Revolution X.

  • Polygon Man (not Crash Bandicoot) was the first mascot of PlayStation. I was happy to create this page when it was revealed he was the final boss of PlayStation All-Stars.

  • Sahasrahla is the Elder of Kakariko Village who guides Link in A Link to the Past. This was also the 1000th page I added ot the site.

  • Mortal Kombat, especially in the early years, was notorious for crazy rumors and speculation that eventually became true. Animalities, for example, were a hot rumor during MK2, but became real in MK3. Skarlet, a red female ninja, was a rumor since back in MK2, and they finally decided to make her real in MK9.

  • One of the other things I did right when the site started was add and/or fill in pages of Mortal Kombat actors. Dr. Ahn here played Shang Tsung in MK2.

  • You're welcome, Matt Rorie.

  • I have to come back to this page periodically because people can't read I guess. This page is specifically for when games allow players to purchase or craft dye that you apply to armor/items, not simply the ability to change the color of things via a menu.

  • Not to be confused with a headband. A hairband is the thing worn by two of my favorite characters; Hitomi and Yukiko.

  • Without palladium, there would be no shields on the Normandy nor would there be an Iron Man.

  • The best golf course in the world.

  • My home town. Thanks, Telltale.

  • All that yeast.

  • What? It's how you make bows and arrows.

  • Survivor Man knows all about foraging.

  • Lacquered gems are expensive as all hell. That's all I can tell you.

  • Making your own poisons is a right of passage for any good rogue.

  • I learned pottery in EverQuest in order to make my own vials for poison. Then I just kept going leveling it up close to the max. Little did I know that I was one of only three people that were that good at it, which earned me hundreds of thousands of platinum when the Earring of the Solstice quest became a thing.

  • Somebody's gotta make all those capes.

  • Again. Damn gnomes.

  • Rangers are cheaters.