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Marvel Characters with terrible fathers

Abusive and awful fathers seem to be a dime a dozen in Marvel, so with that in mind I decided to list off all of the Marvel characters I know of who had abusive fathers. Please note though that in order to qualify for this list the character's father has to be legitimately abusive, cruel, absentee, or a villain who's villainy actively interferes with their being a good father. Merely being stern, demanding, or having a not perfect relationship with their son (Odin, Howard Stark, Jefferson Davis, etc.) is not enough to count.

List items

  • Arguably Marvel's most prominent example. Not surprising, given that his dad is the Green Goblin.

  • The monstrous Brian Banner, who later came back from the dead to become an enemy of his son's big green alter-ego.

  • Confirmed to have had an abusive father in Rick Remender's run with the character.

  • Whether J'son or Ego if we're talking the MCU version, Star-Lord's alien father is always a villain.

  • Son of a cruel Frost Giant who abandoned him at birth because he was small and weak.

  • In the comics (and Norse mythology), Loki is her father.

  • Father was an abusive religious zealot type

  • Implied in the comics, very explicitly shown in the MCU

  • The son of a bullying father and a smothering mother. Not a good combo.

  • Like Otto, he suffered from the double-whammy of an abusive father and a mother who had the opposite problem.

  • And here's another Sinister Six founder with a bullying father. Don't think he had the second half of the combo though.

  • Dad abandoned him shortly after his birth

  • Just one part of a family so dysfunctional it's what prompted him to go abroad in the first place.

  • But the Spider-Man villains with lousy fathers don't end with the Sinister Six founders, as we can clearly see here. Eddie's dad disowned him over a mistake he made at his job! Of course, that was just a pretext, because his dad already hated him.

  • Another host of the Venom symbiote with a terrible father, effectively being the writer's explanation for Flash being a bully in his youth.

  • Well, him plus mom and grandma. Really, the Kasady family in general is bad news, as Carnage himself has admitted.

  • Sometimes, depending on the origin

  • Father branded her face, so...

  • Possibly. Even he no longer remembers for sure, as his memories are jumbled and there have been a few different takes on his origin.

  • With his father also being a bad step-father to Charles Xavier

  • I mean, his dad IS the Devil!

  • Whether Satan or, in Avengers Alliance Mephisto, Satana is a literal demonchild.

  • And here's another Devil-kid.

  • Son of Thanos and all that

  • Son of the original Iron Monger

  • The inevitable result of having a Nazi supervillain for a dad.

  • Same as Zemo, even if the Nazi supervillain parent in question is different

  • While her dad does technically love her, he's still a supervillain, and some of his actions involving her and her brother have been somewhat dubious, so...

  • Another daughter of Magneto

  • Same as his sisters

  • As he was created by Ultron, he is kind of sort of the evil android's son.

  • Both an abusive father and then an abusive foster father after that! And then his second adopted parent...was a supervillain. Man, bad luck.

  • Like Hawkeye, he's unlucky enough to have both a terrible biological father AND foster father.

  • Son of the demonic (literally AND figuratively), Azazel.

  • From what we've seen of his family background, this seems to be the case.

  • This one's a case where it actually creates a continuity problem: Carol's mom was retconned into being a Kree, and so this is why Carol has her superpowers. Trouble is, it doesn't make sense for a female member of a superhuman alien race that's got a strong warrior culture to put up with any misogynistic jerk's BS.

  • Her father is the supervillain Mr. Hyde.

  • Assuming that her father really IS Taskmaster

  • Just became aware of this one actually. Turns out her father blaming her for her mother's death is the reason Maria Hill is such a jerk in 616. Who knew?

  • Father is the mafia supervillain, Count Nefaria.

  • Technically her dad does love her, but he's still a terrible person, so...

  • Of the emotionally/verbally abusive variety, something retained in the Raimi films and implied in the latest MCU Spider-Man movie.

  • Little known, but yes, Aunt May did come from a crappy home life.