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    Private Division

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    Private Division is a boutique publisher label owned by Take-Two Interactive.

    It looks like Take Two is "restructuring" Private Division

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    They've already apparently closed Roll7, who made Rollerdrome and OlliOlli, and the Kerbal team. Also apparently big layoffs in other offices.

    At this point it's hard to not just feel a general aching sadness for those affected and for the games industry as a whole. Of course this is another big publisher pulling the plug on teams that made interesting, creatively successful, projects. Of course they're going to triple and quadruple down on the big live service projects (though Take Two's Grand Theft Auto live service at least prints money, as opposed to so many others.)

    Of course they're going to lay people off and disrupt lives in pursuit of "cost cutting" even as they get ready to launch a game in GTA VI that is all but guaranteed to be among the most profitable games ever launched and to provide them literally billions of dollars of profit in the years ahead.

    What else is there to say but I'm sorry for the people who lost their jobs. They made good games. Rollerdrome was a really good and unique game. Just the kind of project that the big publishers have less and less space for these days.

    What hurts more is that they just bought Roll7 a few years ago. So they are pursuing the EA model of buying studios just to shut them down.

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    Bloody hell. I hope those guys land on their feet.

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