Impressions thread

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#1  Edited By Giant_Gamer

Got this game on gamepass and was really surprised by how good it's. Nothing it does is mind blowing in my opinion but it's a fun and funny journey. The writing is really good and it's really rare to find a comedic game.

If you need a laugh then this game is down your alley.

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I would honestly possibly buy it just to watch RedLetterMedia watch Demon Wind. We’ll see what they price it at whenever it moves to Playstation.

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I tried it before my Game Pass sub expired and didn't hate it, but you really have to tolerate the game's sense of humour, because it's pretty relentless even outside of your talking guns.

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@glots: I'm not a Rick and Morty fan but I had to applaud the writers and the team here because they throw so many jokes at you that eventually some of them stick.

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Having finished it, I came away less satisfied by the end, than I felt in the beginning. I think it's got some interesting ideas in its combat and humor, that just gets stale after 10-ish or so hours. Plus, it got janky on me in spots. Soft lockups, hard crashes, falling through the world, floating off into the sky box, clipping through buildings, a bug where the entire forum in the game was just permanently locked. Tammy and the T-Rex is pretty amazing though. I watched that entire thing.

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Honestly, I just can't do the voice. It grates on me now, so while I'll probably give a shot it's going to take a lot of effort to not immediately be put off.

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#8  Edited By Humanity

I finished the game the other day and really enjoyed it. The end boss is pretty weak and the whole thing just ends rather abruptly for a game that goes to great pains to stretch every story moment out to it's breaking point and then some, and then some. That said - the gameplay loop is really solid. Classic metroidvania ability gated progress is always fun and the first person shooting is I would say above competent although not exceptional. The different mods you can find and secondary fire modes do enough to vary up the different combat encounters and apart from the above mentioned final boss all the other boss encounters are creative and challenging.

If you're one of those people that just hate Rick and Morty then yah I would stay away. Even outside of that circle the humor might miss more than it hits but I really had to applaud and appreciate the sheer volume of dialog they pack into this thing. Even when the jokes aren't hitting the absurdity of all the talking made me chuckle a bit. There is SO much writing here that you can choose to have a completely different boss interaction based on what gun you have out and there are a ton of places where the game forks in subtle ways.

Probably one of my more pleasant surprises of the year, to balance out my huge disappointment with Somerville

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#9 chaser324  Moderator

Just wrapped up this game, and yeah, it's a pretty pleasant surprise.

I probably wouldn't have given it a shot if it weren't on Game Pass, but I came away from it satisfied. The hit rate for the humor was high enough for me to come away mostly liking it - it probably helps if you're a fan of comedy and comedy podcasts and recognize a lot of the voices in the game. The gameplay itself is also more substantial than I expected, at least substantial enough for 8-10 hours. There is some jank (I had one crash, one soft lock, one load screen that would never finish) but those issues weren't unbearable.

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I didn't hate the game or anything but I have to say that these are the worst feeling guns I can remember in a game. None of them were fun to shoot. I ended up going with Creature as soon as I got him just because at least with him you don't have to try to aim. Lezduit is somehow both vastly overpowered and not at all fun to use, which is some kind of accomplishment. The shooting sucks.

Fortunately the traversal fares better and it can be fun to jetpack around and use the weird whip thing. I think the graphic design and atmosphere are very good and it presents an alien world unlike any other so that's a plus. The writing and characters were extremely hit or miss for me. I ended up going with the gun I mentioned earlier partially because I liked his personality more than the others. I also thought Gene and the sister were solid characters. There was, of course, a lot of bad humor that didn't land but it wasn't horrible just corny and stupid. At least it made the bad shooting somewhat less boring, as did the text messages.

For me this was like a 7 out of 10. I don't hate it or anything but I would have been disappointed if I paid full price. And the fight against the triplets can just go to hell. All the other bosses were fine but that one felt incredibly unfair and I died over and over and over.

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#11  Edited By ALLTheDinos

I got to around the point of the Quick Look and uninstalled the game. The guns (at least Kenny and Gus) feel really not good at all to shoot; poor feedback on kills is a particularly sore spot with me. Traversal is less bad but the grappling hook activated at strange distances / aim, which was especially annoying during that 9-Torg fight. Also, I experienced maybe the longest loading screens I’ve seen on a Series X, which is an accomplishment.

I already knew I would dislike the humor going in, so that wasn’t disappointing at least. I feel like Jess hyped up those bounty forums a lot more than they deserved though (no knock on her, she was the target audience for those jokes). I would kick in as much as $5 to send Justin Roiland to the Comedy School to learn a second joke.