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    A dark fantasy universe created in 1983 that spawned and inspired numerous tabletop and video games.

    What the hell are these games? shooters, chess games, RTS?

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    Hey All!

    I play a lot of multiplayer games and recently asked a friend for a good recommendation for a chess game that is fun, and kind of a spin on chess. He recommended Warhammer Regicide. I got the game and had a blast with it. Then I looked at my game collection.

    What are these games? Are they built off somebody book? Is somebody still writing fiction for these games? Is it worth getting into? I played Vermentide and loved that game and Regicide. Now I heard there is a football game based off the literature as well? Blood Bowl?

    Are these games worth learning the lore? Or do they just license their stuff to anybody? I'm kind of excited to hear some responses on people who know this lore and see if there is some books or something i can read. Or what it's even based on!

    Thanks in advance!

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    Paging Dr. Caravella. Dr. Vinny Caravella would you please pick up the courtesy phone?

    The short answer is...yes.

    The long answer is that this universe is based on a board game that uses miniatures but has a SPRAWLING list of related properties including books, video games, an entire other futuristic universe called Warhamer 40,000 (which is maybe the same universe just later? I'm not sure of it.)

    The games based on the property vary wildly in quality, style, whatever. There's a storyline but it's such a deep rabbit hole it's not worth diving into unless you have all the time in the world available. Warhammer is more about tone and setting than anything else (though it helps to know some of the factions and their basic back story.)

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    you are on point with my questions today! Thank you. Have you delved into the story line at all?

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    Hate to be that guy but its actually Warhammer, one word.

    Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy Battle (now called Age of Sigmar) are miniature games that have been around since the 80s. There is a ton of lore to get into if you are into that. As for Novels I would recommend Eisenhorn, the Gaunt's Ghosts novels or the Ultramarines novels as good jumping off points. They capture the general feel of the narrative without going to deep into stuff you should already now from other books. If you do decided to every dive deep just know that Games Workshop (the company who owns and makes Warhammer) will never move the move past where they are currently. I have been playing the miniatures game for roughly 20 years. Well for 40k anyway, I never got into the Fantasy side of the game.

    Especially cause they have now killed Warhammer Fantasy which Vermintide, Blood Bowl and the recent Total War takes place. it was underselling and costing the company so they axed it and made a new game that for the most part people just kinda laugh off and ignore. But they just recently made some announcements about changing the game and people are taking it a little more seriously now. If you really liked Vermintide and that world, dont get too attached cause it probably wont be making a return,

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    Honestly, if you enjoy the games just keep playing those and you'll eventually learn everything worth knowing about the Warhammer universe.

    A point of note: It's over. The medieval-fantasy Warhammer "storyline" is FINISHED (and, if you simply must know, the bad guys won). Whether Games Workshop - the blokes who own the fiction - decide to bring it back is another matter. The sci-fi version is called Warhammer 40,000. It's a separate thing, way more popular, and still going strong. As a coherent narrative though, there really isn't anything overarching.

    As BigSocrates said, it's more about tone and flavor than an actual string of events or history.

    If there are burning questions about something referenced in one of the games, I'll shamelessly plug the Lexicanum wiki for any of your queries

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    @filthypeasant What era is this game set in? When I play Vermentide, it seems like 1400's-ish. But then i see Regecide and there are dudes with futuristic games fighting trolls or orcs or something? I'm very excited to learn about this, if it's something worth learning about.

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    I've also been interested in this recently, vermin tide was really fun, if it had a couple more classes at launch I would have loved it.

    Total War-hammer is coming soon and I think I'll dive into that as well. If that's good I'll give this new dawn of war a shot as well. I'll probably look up some YouTube stuff, if there's any worth recommending I'll pop them in here.

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    @brotherbran if you find any interesting videos about background story/etc, please share them with me. I'm kind of excited about this franchise, even if it might be dead.

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    User Lists: 0 is where the company sells its miniatures and stuff, the Warhammer Verentide is based on Warhammer age of sigmar now.

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    Moved to the Warhammer franchise page.

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    @upperdecker: 40K is set 38,000 years from now after about three apocalypses. Warhammer Fantasy was set on an earth like world with all the usual fantasy trapping but at an early renaissance time period (lots of political intrigue and low tech firearms). Age of Sigmar is set on some sort of ethereal plane and looks kinda shit.

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    It seems like a real weird time to "end" the fantasy universe with all these popular games set in it, but I guess there's no shortage of stories in it for them to draw from. Not supporting the tabletop game doesn't mean much for the video games.

    As for videos it seems the biggest out there is a fellow called Arch Warhammer, he is a pretty entertaining while being informative, he seems to be focusing on people featured in the total war game which is perfect for me.

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