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    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Dec 06, 2004

    With the Jedi nearly extinct, the galaxy is on the verge of falling into complete anarchy. As an exiled Jedi Knight regaining the Force, you must choose your path: help restore the Jedi Order, or embrace the dark side.

    mij's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (Xbox) review

    Avatar image for mij
    • Score:
    • mij wrote this review on .
    • 1 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • mij has written a total of 8 reviews. The last one was for Kabuki Warriors

    KOTOR II is a perfect example of how an rpg is supposed to feel.

     KOTOR II is my personal favorite star wars based game and one of the best rpgs that I have played.

    Customization is great thanks to the effects the large amount of decisions, powers, and equipment contained in the game. The use of the pause button and easy to use options during battle, make it a very aprochable and fun rpg. I could really go on and on about how great the gameplay is in KOTOR II is, but there is something i have to say instead. The game should have been tested a bit more before it was released. There are bugs and crashes that have shown up a fair amount in my playing. Luckily all you have to do is save often and in several spots, since the xbox hard drive has an infinite amount of space it shouldn't be a problem. The bugs don't take away from the gameplay, but it can be a little bit annoying. The new minigames are nice to have.

    They aren't all that pretty, but the games distant scenery in space can look incredibly good. The graphics aren't bad but they're not great. The animations and effects are nice thankfully, so the graphics don't take away from the game at all.

    Excellent music, sound effects, and voice acting. It's what a game should sound like. I will repeat myself, the voice acting is amazing. Listen and love it.

    This is an incredibly deep game that should take you around 15 hours to complete if you don't do all that much on the side. Trust me, you will want to replay this game after you finish it the first time. Playing it good or bad really effects the outcome and events in game, so play it twice.

    KOTOR II should be in any rpg/star wars/pc or xbox owner/ collection. It is a beautiful game that deserves the KOTOR name.    


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      Knights of the old republic II: The sith lords. 0

      Kotor II: the sith lords is the sequel to biowares award winning RPG set in the star wars universe. Now I haven't finished the first one but I can tell you that this sequel is very good, maybe not better then the first but still good. The best thing about Kotor II is the character building, from leveling up to getting new gear and choosing between the Light and Dark sides of the force it's easy to get immersed. The story is also pretty good, though it is kind of predictable, it centers around yo...

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      Dissapointing sequel 0

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