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    Sonic Generations

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Nov 01, 2011

    Old school and new school collide in this 20th Anniversary celebration of the Sonic franchise.

    the_lockpick's Sonic Generations (PC) review

    Avatar image for the_lockpick
    • Score:
    • the_lockpick wrote this review on .
    • 1 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Solid, if somewhat generic title that relies a bit too heavily on nostalgia.

    • ART STYLE:
      • For 2010, these graphics are average, with some strangely jagged textures. I am a particularly huge opponent of the god-awful washed out “white space” style they employ on the hub world. I find it kind of headache inducing and I wish it were a bit darker.
      • From an art design perspective, the only things that really stood out to me were the 3D reinterpretations of the classic Sonic trilogy’s levels. Otherwise, the style was pretty much copy-pasted from other games.
      • 2D Sonic mechanics were somewhat fun and felt like a real platformer but I never found any serious challenge from any level except Crisis City and that was because of some seriously bad level design.
      • 3D mechanics were a mixed bag with a lot of fun, fast paced segments that felt wobbly with at times unresponsive controls. In particular, the jump-dash (not homing attack), seemed to be completely wild and unpredictable.
      • Always felt the 2D jump was just a fraction too low to make some platforms, and occasionally the controller I used wouldn’t take ANY input if I was skipping frames. Boost is completely broken and often was straight up suicide if it was used where it wasn’t “allowed.”
      • Mixed. Had some serious problems with loading after I had alt-tabbed out, and I lost a fair number of frames – not a huge issue unless, like me, the game would stop all input.
    • STORY:
      • lol
    • OVERALL - 5/10

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