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    Saints Row 2

    Game » consists of 23 releases. Released Oct 14, 2008

    The clone that surpassed the original returns with the even more over-the-top sequel to Volition's popular open-world mayhem generator, Saints Row.

    mike17032's Saints Row 2 (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for mike17032

    If you found GTA:IV lacking...

    If you were pissed off by a lot of the stuff that didnt make it from GTA:SA to GTA:IV, this is the game for you.  Saints Row 2 takes all those wonderful side things to do and expands on them and evolves them.  

    You can buy properties, take over gang turf, customize cars (in meaningful ways too), customize your gang, buy clothing, all the fun stuff that GTA:IV lacked.  

    By far the best improvement over the GTA series is how this game handles cars you own.  Instead of find a great car then parking it in your driveway and being afraid to ever drive it again, this game has a garage where you can "save" any vehicle you like.  Once saved, you can get it out at a garage at anytime.  You can use it on missions without fear of losing it, blow it up, or just drive it into the river for fun.  There is a fee to have it repaired, but its small enough that you wont care.

    There is even a phone number you can call to have any car from your garage delivered to your location, this can be a real life saver if a mission has gone tits up (has to be unlocked).  

    You can also customize any car, with not only cosmetic upgrades but ones that enhance the performance.  My favorite is the chariot style spikes you can put on the wheels to pop other cars tires as you drive by, makes "chase" missions a breeze.

    For me, its between Saints Row 2 and Fallout 3 for game of the year 2008.  

    Other reviews for Saints Row 2 (Xbox 360)

      Own this game. 0

        The first game in the recently announced trilogy of Saints Row proved itself as an over-the-top arcade-like alternative to Grand Theft Auto.   The sequel does not disappoint, as almost all aspects have been improved including the graphics, gameplay, activities and fun factor. The sheer number of things to do, combined with the competitive and co-operative multiplayer modes will make this game last a very long time for most ardent gamers. You play as anyone; almost any face could be made with ...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      This might not be GTA IV, but man, it's still very good 0

      Saints Row 1 really took the gaming world by storm, with it's great open-world gameplay and good story. Saints Row 2 is here and takes place about 4 years after the first Saints. Your in a coma after having the shit blown out of you and you have to fight through loads of dolphins in your coma -- alright I'm lying. You actually start off after you woke up from your "coma". This leads to one of the best features, although there is a lot of them, this is by far one of the most detailed feature.You ...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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