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    Resident Evil 2

    Game » consists of 21 releases. Released Jan 21, 1998

    Rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy and civilian Claire Redfield must make their way through a zombie-infested Raccoon City in the sequel to Capcom's original "survival horror" classic.

    Resident Evil 2 remake confirmed to be in development.

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    #1  Edited By Yummylee


    WE DO IT?? WE DO IT! Fucking Hell is this surreal... they're actually going through with it. Literally nothing to go on as of yet besides that it exists... but it exists. And they didn't even formally announce it at a tradeshow or anything? Really bizarre for how Capcom have been handling things lately.


    Huh, so Capcom have finally gone and actually acknowledged the RE2 'Reborn' remake! Though at the same time they also admit that ''they don't know how they feel about this approach'', which seems like a rather subliminal way of saying ''this shit ain't gonna stand''.

    Though what's interesting is how they're actually asking people for their ''honest and frank opinions'' concerning the possibility of an RE2 remake and what the brand is supposed to be about. The most 'liked' comments seem to be demanding for an RE2 remake akin to the original 2002 (and then remastered in 2015) remake, which is predictable enough. Still, it's rather strange to see Capcom clearly trying their damndest in appealing to the fans and asking 'what we want'. This is undoubtedly a symptom of how they're probably not in the best of ways, looking as if they're backed into a corner, what with their self-confessed focus towards remasters and what have you. I decided to link them me blog, not wholly expecting them to actually read it, but then given that it's Facebook it's going to be real damn hard to stand out regardless, so.

    It also again can't be ignored that they're not so subtly hinting that this fan remake is likely to receive the axe... which isn't entirely unexpected, as unfortunate as it also is.

    EDIT: More teasing from Capcom... those mothershitters. (thanks to @hassun for the notice!)

    Hi Resident Evil fans!

    This is H from Capcom R&D Division 1!


    I was told by my boss to check out the post by "R&D Division 1" on the Resident Evil Facebook page, and THIS IS AMAZING....

    Thank you so much for your passion and continued support for Resident Evil brand!

    He was also telling me...“can YOU make a worth seeing game to answer these fans full of passion???"

    This order actually makes me SUPER excited...!!!

    Hello RE fans! This is H again!

    Right after the RE HD Remaster project was finished, I actually started putting together my ideas for this "RE2 Project". So, I just brushed it up and went to see my boss to present the basic concept of the project already…

    ''New Rebirth Project''
    ''New Rebirth Project''


    Welp, it only seems natural that if Capcom aren't going to do anything with RE2, then the fans will do it for 'em! This here has been popping up every so often amidst its development for a while, though it looks like it's finally about ready to shamble past the finish line this Summer and will be available for free.

    ...Unfortunately if I'm being honest it all looks to be puuurty baaaad. I mean it's still impressive all the same, and it's commendable for how they've attempted the additionally difficult task of including RE4-style gameplay with an optional camera angle-fitted alternative. It looks to essentially be an asset-smoothie of past REs, including Leon's unlockable RPD outfit from RE4 (or maybe it's his character model from Darkside Chronicles), his torch from RE4's 'Hookman' build, and of course a vast number of fxs from the original RE2. Though at the same time it's clear that much of the game was seemingly built by themselves in a meticulous attempt to emulate the original RE2, but in HD. If anything this may hopefully lead to some paying jobs for these guys in the future at the very least anywhoo.

    This fan remake also acts as another notch towards the unending demand people have for an RE2 remake. I wrote up a blog discussing the pros & cons of such an endeavour some months ago, though despite my misgivings I think that RE2 is most definitely long overdue to receive a little love. Especially when you consider the numerable revisions and remakes the original has gone through! Not only was there of course the remake, but there exists an upgraded port of the very original 1996 Resident Evil on the DS that added in a surprising number of mechanics and refinements -- not the the least of which being the 180 degree turn as first introduced in Resident Evil 3! RE2 (and RE3 for that matter) have received little in the way of such attention, so even if a full-on rebuilt from the ground up remake isn't feasible, it surely deserves a spruced up port of some kind akin to the DS port of Resident Evil.

    I also have to wonder how long this will be allowed to feasibly exist. Capcom must have surely been aware of its development for some time now, so to potentially pull the plug just as they're about finished would be awfully cruel...

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    It looks leagues above some Steam Greenlight trash that actually costs money, so I'll give them that. But it just seems so... dull. Nothing against the people who made it, it's a free effort done with love I'm sure and for that it seems real nice, good on them, but I see that and go "I just want to wait for Capcom to do something official."

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    It looks better than I thought it would, at least.

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    @zolroyce said:

    It looks leagues above some Steam Greenlight trash that actually costs money, so I'll give them that. But it just seems so... dull. Nothing against the people who made it, it's a free effort done with love I'm sure and for that it seems real nice, good on them, but I see that and go "I just want to wait for Capcom to do something official."

    Pretty much how I feel. I can't say I have much desire to actually play the thing, but I still have respect for the effort all the same. And given that it's free, not to mention the years of work put it into it, it's clear this isn't just some slimy cash grab to bank on people's nostalgia or whatever. Though at the same time it obviously has to be free because its chances of existing would be reverted to nil otherwise.

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    I want no part of this bullshit. By all means, take the graphical fidelity up to modern standards but don't you DARE land it with a Resident Evil 4 camera perspective. You spend most of classic Resident Evil running through and from danger. Not to stop and pop some barely threatening zombies in a gallery.

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    @shindig said:

    I want no part of this bullshit. By all means, take the graphical fidelity up to modern standards but don't you DARE land it with a Resident Evil 4 camera perspective. You spend most of classic Resident Evil running through and from danger. Not to stop and pop some barely threatening zombies in a gallery.

    It's also supposed to have a camera angle alternative as well. Though really, this is one of the points I bring up in my blog as to why it's baffling that so many people keep yelling for an RE2 remake. Because chances are a modern RE2 remake would likely look similar to this, just, y'know, with the budget of a Capcom game. And I would have to assume that such people that immediatelly post ''RE2 REEMAAKEKAJSDNFFEWBFF'' on Resident Evil Facebook & youtube posts regardless of context are explicitly envisioning a remake akin to the original.

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    sounds like deadly premonition

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    #8  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    I totally remember complete playthrough videos of a fan RE2 remake surfacing on the internets, complete with old camera angles. This is that, right?

    Looks okay, although the cannibalized assets are all sorts of weird. I'll just be here, in my bunker, waiting for the shady (possibly foreign) internet forces that be to finish that Resident Evil 1.5 restoration thing so I can play a new old Resident Evil game.

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    @yummylee: Capcom's history with remakes is to not upset the apple cart. If they do a Resident Evil 2 remake (and they will, providing they stay in business long enough to tick it off their bucket list), it'll be similar to the Resident Evil remake. They're not going to take any more risks than necessary.

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    #10  Edited By Yummylee

    @shindig said:

    @yummylee: Capcom's history with remakes is to not upset the apple cart. If they do a Resident Evil 2 remake (and they will, providing they stay in business long enough to tick it off their bucket list), it'll be similar to the Resident Evil remake. They're not going to take any more risks than necessary.

    Remasters maybe, but remakes? I think they'd sooner just not attempt an RE2 remake at all than actually go to the trouble of building up a whole new classic RE game. Or again perhaps have it undergo the same treatment as the original saw with Deadly Silence.

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    I figured the anticipation for an RE2 remake was right up there with FF7. At some point, I'm assuming Capcom will just get back to it.

    RE1 and Zero are getting simpler graphical updates, but maybe it'll lead to some desire to go back to that style. With RE2 being untapped for Remake-esque tweaking, and with a solid design in place, it seems like a logical project.

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    #12  Edited By Yummylee

    @csl316 said:

    I figured the anticipation for an RE2 remake was right up there with FF7. At some point, I'm assuming Capcom will just get back to it.

    RE1 and Zero are getting simpler graphical updates, but maybe it'll lead to some desire to go back to that style. With RE2 being untapped for Remake-esque tweaking, and with a solid design in place, it seems like a logical project.

    I do wonder if the remake and RE0 remastering is leading up the unveiling of a new classic RE game. I'd say it's more likely they just want to bow out on a high note, by remastering all of their classics and leaving them on the people's mind, when going along with the possibility of them falling under. Or they're trying to make some quick and relatively easy cash so as they can stay afloat.... That Deep Down free-to-play thing sounds like it's costing them a fair bit of change; it was only recently announced that it's going under revision and may look pretty different the next time it's shown.

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    This seems like a really neat project and I'm always happy to see fans put in work in remakes like this. That being said, it's rather strange that they're going for an RE4 camera and I am fully expecting Capcom to pull a cease and desist on these guys at some point.

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    Bumped concerning update from Capcom regarding the fan remake!

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    Hmm, I'd pay good money for a remake of RE2 on par with the original REmake. I'd also do the same for RE3. I understand Capcom isn't doing so hot (both monetarily and game wise), but I'm still willing to chuck them some nostalgia dollars.

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    I love that Capcom is, at this point, just throwing up their hands and saying "I dunno, what do YOU guys want?" It reeks of desperation, and not the scrappy kind of desperation that Nintendo seems to pull out when things are bad. I guess they did put out an actual real new video game in RE Revelations 2, but uhhhh.... that's all that comes to mind for this year.

    I maintain that the only way to remake Resident Evil 2 is in the classic style. No over-the-shoulder shooting; just camera angles, tank controls, and limited inventory 4 dayz.

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    RE is one of the few series where I prefer remakes over a continuation of the series. Either reboot or REmake versions of 2 and 3 is what I'd like.

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    I wish game companies would look at fan-made stuff that isn't for sale with the same view that musicians and composers look at amateur bands playing covers. I think it makes the most sense for newer developers to build their skills attempting to recreate or adapt the legendary games. It gives them a much wider audience to practice in front of (and to check their work) than if they were making their own unknown games in the same way most bar bands draw a better crowd with covers than originals, and it allows them to hone their skills trying to recreate their favorite games in the same way guitarists hone their skills by learning their favorite solos.

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    I do hope they will remake all of the older ones at some point so I can play through them again and not hate every second of it.

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    "If you want a job done right..."

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    #21  Edited By Yummylee

    @arbitrarywater said:

    I love that Capcom is, at this point, just throwing up their hands and saying "I dunno, what do YOU guys want?" It reeks of desperation, and not the scrappy kind of desperation that Nintendo seems to pull out when things are bad. I guess they did put out an actual real new video game in RE Revelations 2, but uhhhh.... that's all that comes to mind for this year.

    I maintain that the only way to remake Resident Evil 2 is in the classic style. No over-the-shoulder shooting; just camera angles, tank controls, and limited inventory 4 dayz.

    Beyond remasters... yeah, I think Rev 2 is it. And even then that game is cobbled together from all sorts of stuff from RE6, RE5, the original Revelations, and even Mercenaries 3D. Their remastering is working well for them at least. They've said that DMC4: SE in particular sold ''very well''.

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    Hello RE fans! This is H again!

    Right after the RE HD Remaster project was finished, I actually started putting together my ideas for this "RE2 Project". So, I just brushed it up and went to see my boss to present the basic concept of the project already…

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    @hassun said:

    Hello RE fans! This is H again!

    Right after the RE HD Remaster project was finished, I actually started putting together my ideas for this "RE2 Project". So, I just brushed it up and went to see my boss to present the basic concept of the project already…

    No Caption Provided

    Oh boy... These teases better damn well lead up to something. Makes me wonder if they've actually been working on an RE2 something or other this entire time. Though I'd still hafta guess that they'll get the RE0 remaster out of the way first before announcing anything concrete.

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    The moment they announced REmake they talked about RE2 and 3 as well. I was sorely disappointed when I found out only 1 was getting a real remake while 2 and 3 only received a release. Hope they can do those two for real this time.

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    #25  Edited By Yummylee

    @hassun said:

    The moment they announced REmake they talked about RE2 and 3 as well. I was sorely disappointed when I found out only 1 was getting a real remake while 2 and 3 only received a release. Hope they can do those two for real this time.

    At the time such remakes were never going to happen unfortunately. The original remake sold really poorly according to Mikami and is also what lead to the series adopting a much more action-orientated design. If anything the remastered release probably sold bucket loads more I'd wager. Probably why they're potentially starting to take the idea of an RE2 rerelease (be it a remake or remaster) a little more seriously now.

    Also, I wonder what the Japanese subtitle says... Probably ___ Edition if I had to make a guess. EDIT: Ah, it apparently translates to ''New Rebirth Project''.

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    #26  Edited By monkeyking1969

    Capcom doesn't want to hear this, but I think they SHOULDN'T do it. It a too easy cash grab and that just sucks...they need to make NEW games.

    If they REALLY wanted to do it...

    Well, in that case I would take the story, characters, location, and framework to make a NEW GAME under a new genre with it. Tell everyone "This is not a remake, nor is this a reboot....and this is not even a RE-style game even." Then make something closer to Mass Effect in style, but called Raccoon City OutBreak...or whatever

    Raccoon City OutBreak is a single-player action role-playing game in which the player takes the role of "Commander Smith" through a third-person perspective. Smith's gender, appearance, military background, combat-training and first name are determined by the player before the game begins like an RPG. The game features six different character classes for the player to choose from. Each class is proficient in a different set of skills and weapon types. For example, the Mercenary class is specialized in close-range combat and shotguns, while the Black Ops class relies on stealth combat and the use of sniper rifles. The Classes are: Mercenary, Scientist, Soldier, Black Ops, and Engineer - Mercs are a good all around; scientist can make powerful drugs, powerful poisons, and control scientific equipment; soldier are weapons/demolition experts, Black Ops are stealthy, hand to hand fighter and can hack; and engineers can build things, fix things and set traps but only are lightly armed.

    The world of Raccoon City OutBreak is a county map that the player can explore to find and complete quests. Most quests consist of combat missions, but some involve the player interacting with local characters during visits to other towns, military command posts, Umbrella Corp "disaster recovery" bases, etc. As the player progresses throughout the game, different locations and new squad members become available. That game provides 8 squad members to recruit, but you only can bring three with yourself on your team missions. Experience points are gained by completing missions and gain new tools, with unused members still gaining some experiences even when left behind. Each time a sufficient amount of experience is obtained, the player "levels up" and is awarded Squad Points that can be used to develop powers for both Shepard and the members of his squad that s/he is assembling. Skills provide enhanced combat, scientific knowledge/skills, and movement capabilities, with each skill ranks that can be unlocked.

    The player's primary mode of transportation is a V-TOL aircraft which moves Smith and his team form his base (that can be upgraded as the game goes on) and various areas in and around Raccoon City for missions. At the base the player can interact with the squad members, customize the armor, tinker with weapons, and buy additional resources. Characters can be upgraded, Smith base can be upgraded, and their primary V-TOL vehicle can be upgraded.

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    Can't wait for them to pull a Square-Enix and just port the original Resident Evil 2 to PS4 and XONE

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    #28  Edited By TwoLines

    Can't wait for them to pull a Square-Enix and just port the original Resident Evil 2 to PS4 and XONE

    I'd be happy with that. I love that game.

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    #29  Edited By Yummylee

    @arbitrarywater said:

    Can't wait for them to pull a Square-Enix and just port the original Resident Evil 2 to PS4 and XONE

    Before then officially unveiling an actual RE2 remake (with a teaser cutscene showcasing Leon & Claire fleeing the streets of Raccoon City) a year later.

    Probably makes for a good strategy actually. To build the hype, only to crush it down and disappoint, thereby leaving the fans to think that there's truly no hope... only to then completely surprise everyone with the real thing.

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    Resident Evil 2:Deep Down. The worlds first free to play survival horror. For some reason Leon and Claire can now use swords. You can craft a new ink ribbon every 12 hours.

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    This all also brings to mind how at one point a 'Resident Evil 2 I HD' was temporarily up on Amazon...

    No Caption Provided

    I have a feeling it's not going to reach its 29th September, 2015 release date...

    Resident Evil 2:Deep Down. The worlds first free to play survival horror. For some reason Leon and Claire can now use swords. You can craft a new ink ribbon every 12 hours.


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    Depending on the day I have differing opinions on an RE2 remake. Most days it's something akin to "hell yeah man, give me that shit!" on others I wonder how it would actually turn out. With a lot of the original developers of these games gone to different companies I wonder if the people who remain would be able to nail the same feeling and style of the older games. Revelations 2 was a step in the right direction in terms of tone, but there was just something "special" to me about those 90's Resident Evil's that made them feel like a silly B-Movie. If it was to be remade I imagine it would play like the newer games in the series and I would be okay with that, but I would really want the prerendered backgrounds, camera angles, and tank controls of old. Maybe a decent bridge gap would be having all that stuff from the old games but give the players a toggle in the options. Options to make it play like the newer games, older games, and maybe a combination of the two with the old style but when you aim your gun the game swaps to a behind the shoulder view.

    Either way, RE2 is just about one of the few games I ever gave any thought about wanting a remake in my life. So if this does lead to Capcom doing something with it, I will play it in whatever form it materializes.

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    Please let there be a Resident Evil 2 full blown remake. PLEASE.

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    @lost_remnant: I think it'd be real cool if they used this opportunity to reintroduce the mechanics of RE4's Hookman build, most importantly with the game featuring camera angles but then heading into an over-the-shoulder view when you aim your gun.

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    An official REmake 2 could be interesting, provided it has a decent budget. Capcom's gotta know there's a middle ground between the millions spent on RE6 and the spare change found under a desk used to fund Revelations 2.

    I still think it's odd we've heard nothing about RE7 yet.

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    This would make them a ton of money and maybe it'd be good?

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    Would love to see a Resi 2 remake since it actually does need a remake.

    Remakes can be amazing if done right, remasters can go die in a fire.

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    Good thing that Capcom is going back to their roots. But you know what would be cool? If RE2re is being made by Platinum Games in cooperation with Capcom studios. That would make it more likely to be the RE2re we want.

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    Favorite one in the series. Would love to see it remade ala REmake.

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    #40  Edited By Yummylee

    @mustainium said:

    An official REmake 2 could be interesting, provided it has a decent budget. Capcom's gotta know there's a middle ground between the millions spent on RE6 and the spare change found under a desk used to fund Revelations 2.

    I still think it's odd we've heard nothing about RE7 yet.

    lol a little harsh, if not entirely untrue. Hey, at least it ran at 60fps even on consoles!.. RE7's a weird one, though. I don't think they're in quite a confident enough position to announce the Next Big Numbered Resident Evil Game, and if RE2 is to be remade in the vein of the older games, then one would assume that'd still make for a less expensive project than another high-octane action bonanza of stupidity that is a new numbered RE game. I think it'd be funny if we actually see a Revelations 3 before an RE7.

    Also, all of the rumours out there that continue to be reposted by sites that cover games much like how Gamespot covers movies--in that it's purely for some extra clicks with bare minimum effort--ain't nothing, boiii! Aren't you excited for RE7 to be released in October this year complete with Alice from the movies in a lead starring role???

    @giant_gamer said:

    Good thing that Capcom is going back to their roots. But you know what would be cool? If RE2re is being made by Platinum Games in cooperation with Capcom studios. That would make it more likely to be the RE2re we want.

    Er...? Really? I assume you mean so Kamiya can return in some capacity to oversee the project, though he himself has admitted that he has no interest in being involved in another RE game. Certainly not one that's potentially survival horror. And even then, Platinum's game all share a very similar pacing that even if RE2 was remade into an action shooter, I wouldn't want it to have the same breakneck, no time to breath pace as a Platinum game.

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    These teasers are killing me right now.

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    @yummylee said:

    @giant_gamer said:

    Good thing that Capcom is going back to their roots. But you know what would be cool? If RE2re is being made by Platinum Games in cooperation with Capcom studios. That would make it more likely to be the RE2re we want.

    Er...? Really? I assume you mean so Kamiya can return in some capacity to oversee the project, though he himself has admitted that he has no interest in being involved in another RE game. Certainly not one that's potentially survival horror. And even then, Platinum's game all share a very similar pacing that even if RE2 was remade into an action shooter, I wouldn't want it to have the same breakneck, no time to breath pace as a Platinum game.

    Since Mikami and his team is now on a contract with Bethesda, i don't think that there are better candidates.

    Platinum Games have great talents who used to work with Capcom, So Kamiya is not the only reason that made me think of them.

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    #43  Edited By hassun
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    Sweet. I never played re2, so ill call this a win.

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    This is exactly why I re-bought REmake remastered on PS4. WE DO ITTO!

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    Curious to see what they do with this. I love this series a whole bunch but they have definitely diverged a lot through the series. My knee jerk reaction is expecting something in the REmake relam with maybe a bit more movement freedom. I hope they also make good on the fact that RE2 was basically 4 games in one of you played there everyone's a and b story.

    But I suppose if they don't have a reboot or direct drquel in development as well (RE7) I could certainly see them pursuing more of third person style.

    Either way I'll play this but for my money, in hoping for the former option rather than the latter.

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    I'm trying very hard not to get excited about this, but DUDE. This is big. And I so, so, so want this to be exactly what I know we all want it to be, but Capcom can very easily screw this all up. If they do, indeed, leave it as a traditional survival horror game and it proves to be successful, then I see bright things for the future of the series. But even with this announcement, that still seems like just wishful thinking.

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    #49  Edited By NTM

    I'm someone that is totally fine with their recent (as in RE6 recent) Resident Evil games, but I do believe Capcom realize they're not doing right by many of their fans that loved the originals, and to keep their fans (and gain money still), they feel this is the right move. They want to please fans. I'm sure I'll be getting it; not sure if I'll finish it, I know my brother would.

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