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    Red Faction: Armageddon

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Jun 07, 2011

    Get your ass back to Mars in the fourth installment of the environmental destruction-focused Red Faction series. In Armageddon, players go back underground for the first time since the original Red Faction.

    Demo came out today, any thoughts?

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    #1  Edited By Getz

    I thought it was weird for them to choose a really linear part of the game to show off with the demo, unless the whole game is like this, in which case it's definitely a step back from Guerrilla. The "madman" shown off in the trailer at the end looks like Quan-chi. Magnet gun is pretty fucking fun, if a bit over-powered. I mean, why bother with the assault rifle at all? Also, I miss the hammer :(

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    #2  Edited By Pie

    I didn't like it and I'm a big fan of RF:G.

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    @Pie said:
    " I didn't like it and I'm a big fan of RF:G. "
    That's pretty worrying. I don't have my PS3 with me, so I'm not able to d/l the demo, but I really enjoyed Guerilla.

    What was it that you didn't like?
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    #4  Edited By Getz
    @GetEveryone: I can tell you what I didn't like; it's a corridor crawl, very linear. Granted, the environment they showed off was incredibly diverse moving from a cave with huge crystals jutting out of the walls and ceiling to a destroyed market district with flashing signs and make-shift shacks. It kinda feels like they're trying for a more of a shooter compared to Guerrilla's open-ended gameplay, which is a bummer. Shooting feels good though, and the guns they give are fun to tool around with. 
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    #5  Edited By phish09

    Dammit.  I'll try it tonight, but what I'm reading here so far is not inspiring hope. 

    I loved Guerrilla, and was pretty bummed to hear that they took out competitive I'm reading that the demo is a very linear experience on top of that. 

    I don't get why developers can sometimes have a really good thing going and then make a bunch of changes for the sake of making the sequel different.  All they needed to do to improve on RFG was make the world bigger and more destructible and make the weapons feel like they had more substance to them...and maybe make the story a little more interesting too.  It seems like they may have improved on the story aspect of this game, and the weapons look cool, but I just don't think the world is going to be bigger or more destructible and I can't tell you how disappointed I am that they aren't including competitive multiplayer.

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    #6  Edited By Getz
    @phish09: Yeah, I never played much of Guerrilla's MP but what I did play was absurd. People jetpacking around on roofs only to have the roof blow up underneath them when they land, or having some guy appear right in front of you with a hammer to your face. It was awesome.
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    #7  Edited By Getz

    They should totally play Guerrilla on a TNT this month

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    #8  Edited By Sarkhan
    @Getz said:
    " @GetEveryone: I can tell you what I didn't like; it's a corridor crawl, very linear. Granted, the environment they showed off was incredibly diverse moving from a cave with huge crystals jutting out of the walls and ceiling to a destroyed market district with flashing signs and make-shift shacks. It kinda feels like they're trying for a more of a shooter compared to Guerrilla's open-ended gameplay, which is a bummer. Shooting feels good though, and the guns they give are fun to tool around with.  "
    So it's kinda going back to the first Red Faction?
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    #9  Edited By Getz
    @Vortexus1981 said:
    " @Getz said:
    " @GetEveryone: I can tell you what I didn't like; it's a corridor crawl, very linear. Granted, the environment they showed off was incredibly diverse moving from a cave with huge crystals jutting out of the walls and ceiling to a destroyed market district with flashing signs and make-shift shacks. It kinda feels like they're trying for a more of a shooter compared to Guerrilla's open-ended gameplay, which is a bummer. Shooting feels good though, and the guns they give are fun to tool around with.  "
    So it's kinda going back to the first Red Faction? "
    yeah, only third person and you can't blow up dirt.
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    #10  Edited By KillEm_Dafoe

    Really enjoyed it. It was pretty much what I expected, to be honest. I can see people who weren't into the series before Guerrilla not liking this nearly as much, but the original games were linear FPS's. They were awesome back then and they're still awesome now, and there's no indication that Armageddon will be a bad game in any sense in that regard. Maybe just disappointing if you absolutely MUST have a large, open world to play in for a game to be enjoyable, but not certainly not bad. Guerilla was the big departure from the series norm, not Armageddon. The lack of competitive MP in this game is still pretty disappointing to me, and that's something I would almost never say about any game because of how meaningless so many game's bolted-on multiplayer components are to me, but Guerrilla's MP was THAT DAMN GOOD that I think that it deserves a follow-up in the sequel. Ditto with @Getz for recommending a RF:G TNT this month. I would fucking love that.

    As for the demo itself, like I said, I really liked it. Obviously not the greatest representation of the final product, as demos rarely are, but everything that it featured was pretty solid. It controls very well, for one. The weapons are a blast to use (no pun intended), especially that damn Magnet Gun. The game seems much more story-intensive as a result of being a more linear experience, which definitely has its benefits. The brief preview of the level design seems pretty good, and like someone mentioned already, the environments are pretty varied, even in the 15-20 minutes it takes to get through the demo. You go from a sewer, to a crystallized cave, to a marketplace area in a pretty short time span. The enemies might seem a little generic, but it's not really a huge deal to me, since the trailers clearly show a lot more variety in both enemy and level design that what this demo shows off. Oh yeah, blowing shit up is still real fun, even if it is in smaller spaces. The developers have said many times that there will be more open spaces to do that in, though, so that's at least somewhat reassuring.

    I still plan on buying this day one. It's just really sad that the lack of MP and a big sandbox world will keep a lot of people from buying what will be an otherwise awesome game. I don't think the game will do nearly as well as it should.

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    #11  Edited By EVO

    I'm hoping they pull an Oblivion with this - confine you to the mines for a few hours then BAM! Open world.

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    #12  Edited By Slaker117

    Maybe I'm crazy, but the open world was my least favorite part of RF:G. I liked breaking stuff, but driving across the largely empty map to take on disjointed missions got tedious. Having that experience focused would be a good thing in my opinion . I'll have to check this out.

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    #13  Edited By EVO
    @Slaker117 said:
    " I liked breaking stuff, but driving across the largely empty map to take on disjointed missions got tedious. "
    True, but the open world environment allowed for bigger stuff to break. Something I fear Armageddon will lack.
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    #14  Edited By PerryVandell

    Planning on trying it out either tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

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    #15  Edited By Slaker117
    @EVO: I haven't played to demo yet, so I'm not sure what's represented there, and even that is not necessarily indicative of the full game. Large set pieces that allow for multiple play styles are still possible in a linear progression. I'm hoping for Halo style level design, a series of one-off mini-sandbox encounters. If they do that and do it well, I'll be very happy.
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    #16  Edited By EVO
    @Slaker117 said:
    " I'm hoping for Halo style level design, a series of one-off mini-sandbox encounters.
    That would be perfect.
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    #17  Edited By Eaxis

    The demo turned me off. I thought the voice acting wasn't very good. The enemies are very generic and didn't put up any challenge. The graphics were medicore. And I don't think the linear route fits this game. The weapons are good though. I'm gonna keep this on my radar to see if there is a more open world structure later in the game.
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    #18  Edited By Vexed

    The 3 best parts of Guerrilla:  Competitive MP, Open World Gameplay, and the Sledgehammer are all gone in Armageddon.  Fucking great work Volition.

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    #19  Edited By MistaSparkle

    I kind of worried about this game, and I'm the biggest RF fan on Mars. I feel like they could have built on the points that made all the previous games so amazing more. Seems a bit scaled back on this one, but we'll see when it comes out.

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    #20  Edited By dragonzord
    @Vexed said:

    " The 3 best parts of Guerrilla:  Competitive MP, Open World Gameplay, and the Sledgehammer are all gone in Armageddon.  Fucking great work Volition. "

    That's cool. Everything good about the original Red Faction was ruined by Guerrilla
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    #21  Edited By SSully
    @Vexed said:
    " The 3 best parts of Guerrilla:  Competitive MP, Open World Gameplay, and the Sledgehammer are all gone in Armageddon.  Fucking great work Volition. "
    There isn't a sledge hammer? Why?
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    #22  Edited By Vexed
    @SSully:   You can do a melee blast...thing with your 'Nano Forge' instead.   Sigh...  I wish they hadn't made this a Red Faction game so I could just pass it off as a mediocre third person shooter and not be so disappointed.

    @zoner:  That's cool that you liked the original Red Faction and not Guerrilla, you're more than entitled to your opinion and all, but have you played the demo?  Because it's just a shitty version of Guerrilla, not a return to the series roots.
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    #23  Edited By handlas
    @Vexed said: 
    @zoner:  That's cool that you liked the original Red Faction and not Guerrilla, you're more than entitled to your opinion and all, but have you played the demo?  Because it's just a shitty version of Guerrilla, not a return to the series roots. "
    I would agree with that.  Linear, confined level design where the best part of Guerilla, the destruction, is absolutely worthless.  Now it's just a boring TPS with generic, annoying alien enemies that hop on walls in circles around you. 
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    #24  Edited By awe_stuck
    @handlas said:
    " @Vexed said: 
    @zoner:  That's cool that you liked the original Red Faction and not Guerrilla, you're more than entitled to your opinion and all, but have you played the demo?  Because it's just a shitty version of Guerrilla, not a return to the series roots. "
    I would agree with that.  Linear, confined level design where the best part of Guerilla, the destruction, is absolutely worthless.  Now it's just a boring TPS with generic, annoying alien enemies that hop on walls in circles around you.  "
    Ya, I would agree. However later parts of the game (not demo) have people as enemies.

    In the demo I ran out of ammo couple times... I also got stuck and died because of how the levels and specifically the game itself plays. I think its a decent game however having cutscenes - lame. The amount of polish is a better than the last red faction as far as I can tell. I'll have to wait to see the full version. I'm not preordering or buying it off the bat and wouldnt recommend that anyone does :p
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    #25  Edited By ShaneDev

    I haven't played it yet but from gameplay that I have seen it looks to keep the sandbox gameplay from  Guerrilla but without the open world. Guerrilla was a great sandbox game but it was kinda average as an open world game, I do wonder if there will be  vehicules other  than mech suits. I am a bit disappointed at the lack of multi-player though since RF2 and Guerrilla both had great multi-player.

    I must download and try it tonight.

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    #26  Edited By Za3r0

    played the demo and they should have called it Red Faction: Dead Space. i sense a big dead space feel

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    #27  Edited By NTM

    I thought the game was a lot of fun and showed potential. The only thing I didn't like was that the game on the 360 runs at a pretty low resolution and there was some enemy pop in, as well as some frame rate drop, but only a small bit. And at first the voice acting was a bit worse than good, until I heard more and I got used to it which stood at good enough. If we're talking about the demo only and not the transitions into the full game, I didn't like how short it was because I was really getting into it quickly. Then the end cutscene showing the antagonist, I just didn't exactly like too much. His concept (artistically) wasn't great. The game kind of reminds me of Dead Space in ways, and other ways, not so much. I hope they fix some of the minor graphical problems, and I think it's good to go as far as I'm concerned right now.


    By the way, does anyone else think it's crazy how far into the future this game is from the first Red Faction game?

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    #28  Edited By cannedstingray

    I played the demo when it first came out, and I just replayed it, granted the game is gonna be a linear experience this time around, but I still had fun with it. 

    Red Faction still has some of the coolest guns of any franchise around and the destruction is still satisfying.


    I recall an interview or something where one of the devs were talking about game design.  He said that the huge open world was pretty limiting as far as what they could put on screen at any given time. So making a more linear story allows for better game and level design. 


    I really like R.F. Guerrilla, and I still play it occasionally, but I never finished it because everything was too all over the place, and tings got really chaotic on the destruction missions, also the rescue missions could be very frustrating when a hostage dies from some random piece of building lands on them, or some other random thing happens.


    Guerrilla was and is a super fun world to play in, but I never finished the game.


    Hopefully, with a more story focused game (I really hope the story is good and engaging)  Armageddon will keep me playing long enough to complete the game.


    I think I can handle it not being an open world if it still plays good, the weapons are fun, and it has a good story. The demo gives really no sense of the story, but, so far, the rest seems pretty good.


    I'd say I'm cautiosly optemistic about this one.

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    #29  Edited By Capum15

    I thought the Demo was fun, and I really liked the fixing aspect. Also, the infinite ammo magnet gun is pretty awesome. I'm not quite sure on how I feel of the new enemies though.

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    #30  Edited By Whitestripes09

    I actually kinda liked the linearity. After playing The Witcher 2, which is a very mentally challenging game, I wouldn't mind for once just sitting back and playing a game that holds your hand for awhile while blasting away aliens and buildings all in a set area.

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    The linearity is going to be a problem, clearly. But that fucking magnet gun + repair module combo means I'm stuck in every room for at least twenty minutes tearing shit apart, rebuilding, then tearing it apart differently. 

    I played Guerilla, and I definitely think stuff blows up/falls apart in a more satisfying way here. 
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    #32  Edited By Enigma777

    I really enjoyed it. Certainly feels like step up in the right direction from Guerrilla. 

    Also it fixes my biggest problem with the previous game - the never-ending enemy spawning. 

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