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VGBC: Jondromedary Strain

Games for March (all on Game Pass)


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  • First-person puzzle game set in the 1930's. Norah travels to a mysterious island in the South Pacific to find her missing husband, Harry.

    Approx 6 hours

  • Play as samurai assassin Zero with a "slow time" power in a neo-noir setting. Fast paced, instant death combat mechanics.

    Approx 4.5 hours

  • The FPS where time only moves when you do. This iteration has procedurally generated levels and new upgrades to unlock that add more variation vs the original.

    Approx 5.5 hours

  • Action-adventure platformer with robot companions. Joule wakes from cryo sleep on Far Eden to discover that plans for a colony did not go well.

    Approx 12 Hours

  • Inspired by the Chinese novel "Journey to the West," control 4 unique characters to collect pieces of a sacred scroll. Switch between heroes at any time while fighting & platforming through levels and boss battles.

    Approx 8 hours