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My Top 10 Genesis Games

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  • 10. Favored this football game over the Madden games for quite a while. Controls felt better to me and liked the interface more.

  • 9. Another great Sega Sports game. All the World Series Baseball games were easy to control and fun on the Genesis. Also for the time, roster editing at it's best here.

  • 8. Fun hockey game based on the EA Sports engine. Came after the football game of the same name.

  • 7. Still my favorite hockey game ever. Nothing after has quite captured the feel of this game for me. Interface, music and presentation were great. Roster Editing not quite at it's best but this game was about one thing; controls, controls, controls!

  • 6. Always loved the title of this game. Most people usually list this as the inferior Toejam & Earl game. I liked the first one but was exposed to this one more as kid and loved it. Nothing else was like it at the time. Loved the music and interacting with the planets goofy NPC's.

  • 5. My favorite series of beat em' up games and my favorite of the series. Cool levels and great and/or wacky enemy designs. Must be played with a friend for best experience.

  • 4. Best street ball game, and still more fun than NBA Street games that came much later. Each player had different ratings and was always tough to beat Barkley. Probably not thought of as a great game but I spent a lot of time with it oddly enough and still own it today.

  • 3. The game that exposed me to "cool" classic rock music, it was sooo good back then! My first car combat game. Fun racing game, sort of a spin off for RC Pro Am 2 but with cool environments, characters, cars and upgrade system as well.

  • 2. Spent hours upon hours playing this game with my best friend. On the surface not very appealing but is great multiplayer fun. Various sports and events as well, not just one. A lot of characters to play as with different strengths/weaknesses.

  • 1. My favorite Genesis game ever. Based off the Madden engine and real sports teams and players but it's own twisted take. Just as in Madden, each team and player had ratings. Teams played on different field surfaces with traps and pits. Humans, Trolls, Robots, Aliens and Skeletons vied for Mutant League Championship. Music was ripping, players celebrated touchdowns with wild dances and the insane crowd roared with approval. Wish the new game got greenlit, maybe some day.