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Ranking of Frights

Please note that playing any of these games in the presence of others lowers their spookiness score by a factor of five. Except for the first entry

List items

  • The EEL

    Spookiness: 10/10

  • Thanks to mods that increase Amnesia's lighting effects and clean up its textures, we now know that most of this game's monsters are actually Post Malone running after you with a loose earbud, asking you to check out his newest single. You can't look directly at him without draining your sanity meter because it's just too much

    Spookiness: 10/10

  • It was some serious whiplash to have this be your first 'next gen' 360 game. Wow the boils from that infected stab wound are *gorgeous*. Look at the attention to detail on the broken teeth over there on the floor. Lovely

    Spookiness: 10/10

  • There's............................a LOT to unpack here


  • There are many references in this game to a dangerous, ghostly entity called "the Walrider." This title was a big give away to old-school gamers like me, who instantly realized this mythical affront to God Himself was just Tony Hawk doing his skateboard tricks

    Spookiness: 9/10

  • Silent Hill is a franchise in which blurry people scrape things on the floor

    Spookiness: 9/10

  • jareth

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • This was the first horror game I ever played. I completed the demo a few times and liked it so much I ordered a copy of it from the Konami website, because I couldn't find it anywhere in real life. This means I had to ask my parents' permission to use their high speed dialup internet, so this was a long time ago. AAAAAAGH! The passing of time is spooky!!!

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • The protagonist's hair always bothered me in this game. It looks like if John Wick went in a bowl-cut direction. Or something. It's upsetting

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • It's spooky, but after you die a lot, being chased by the Alien is more like not being able to shake someone you don't want to talk to at a party. This is a cool spaceship! I think I'll just get over here to this medical bay. *vent rattles, Alien busts through grate* OMG is that Alien AGAIN. ugh I just want to talk to my friend the NPC and go home, but here Alien is, breaking the touch barrier without my consent

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • If everyone in your apartment building was skinless and loitered in the hallway all the time......that would be pretty dang spooky

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • Isaac may be a silent protagonist, but you KNOW he's got character once you see him take a break from his relentless psychological torment to play a round or two of space basketball

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • At first, I thought Observer was a regular walking sim without a fail state. But then, in one sequence, I realized that wasn't true at all. And wasn't that spooky for me

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • You never get to encounter anything first in this game. You're always showing up in pre-blood spattered rooms full of corpses. I think that's bullshit

    Spookiness: 8/10

  • What was the deal with the hand. She cut the hand off and it came back. Someone frankensteined it back on. Why would they frankenstein it back on. I just wanna know what's goin on with that hand

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • I actually like the cover art to this game. Except for the...spiders at the bottom? That's a really odd choice

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • I've never understood unlockables in these games. Do people really play RE over and over again so much so that they become obsessed with the idea of seeing Chris Redfield shoot a basilisk while dressed like a character from 1080 Snowboarding

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • Slenderman, like most creepypasta fiction, sucks. HOWEVER. I love the idea that the main takeaway all of Slederman's victims have is his weight, so much so that it's become his name. "I can't quite remember his face. I can only remember that he's...............slender."

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • In the original cut of John Carpenter's The Thing, the two remaining characters eye each other up at the end and ask "are you...the thing" and both answer no. Relieved, they turn towards the camera and say "I guess the real the thing was in all of us, all along." Then men with flamethrowers enter the movie theater and set everyone on fire

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • This game expected you to place the entire Wii Remote to your ear during in game phone calls, so you can "pretend." The unmitigated gall

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • This is a game about a man who is locked in his apartment by evil spirits, yet he's dressed up like he's modelling for the Gap. This guy's in his bedroom for days, so why isn't he in sweatpants or some other leisure wear? Can you imagine anything spookier than the gentle sway of loose grey gym shorts, spotted with pizza grease, as the protagonist runs for his life? Scary stuff

    Spookiness: 7/10

  • This is a game in which humanity runs out of doors, like Children of Men but for doors. It's not so bad though, because we do already have a lot of doors

    Spookiness: 6/10

  • People treat their dogs really badly in Silent Hill

    Spookiness: 6/10

  • Not even, uh, ZOMBIs can change my mind that those big fluffy royal guard hats are delightful

    Spookiness: 6/10

  • Code Veronica stands for:









    Spookiness: 6/10

  • BioShock has been talked to death, so much so that we forget it was spooky down in Rapture. People jumping out of shadows and telling you about their high society libertarianism, large scuba divers named Mr. Bubbles moaning for hours in hotel lobbies...I don't want to be near any of that

    Spookiness: 5/10

  • For an advertisement about Energizer batteries, this game is quite spooky

    Spookiness: 5/10

  • Dead Space 2 should've been called Dead Space: Reloaded and Dead Space 3 should've been called The Matrix: Revolutions

    Spookiness: 5/10

  • This game's monsters LOVE the comic book artist Todd McFarlane, and they remind you to check out his work very frequently as they slash and hack at you. The man on the left up there on the cover art is actually screaming "SPAWN DID A LOT FOR ME AS A FOURTEEN YEAR OOOOLD"

    Spookiness: 5/10

  • Teens bein' mean.........ain't nothin scarier

    Spookiness: 5/10

  • This game is actually creepy - until you get really good at resource management! Monsters hate the sensible management of resources

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • Not really very spooky, but it has a monster called Nightmare that just, like, shows up at a certain point and starts chasing you. And then it can show up again whenever it feels like for the rest of the game, interrupting your progress. TBH this monster is extremely rude

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • If there's one thing I remember about First Encounter Assault Recon 2, it's that there are mech suits. Everyone knows mech suits drastically reduce a game's spookiness level

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • No one can stop Limbo. Not even a large spider. Go Limbo go

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • Unfortunately, this game doesn't feature a train with a skull for a face, like, AT ALL

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • So many mean teens in horror stuff!!!!

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • This game is only kind of scary, and it knows it, so it begins yelling VERY loudly at you to compensate

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • The developers of Claire sure liked Silent Hill 3

    Spookiness: 4/10

  • Dying Light is an excellent reminder that zombies fuckin SUCK, LOL, shamble wherever you like guys I know how to PARKOUR

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • Considering the in-game fiction is very clear about the fact that the plasma cutter is an engineering tool and not a weapon, there sure are a lot of people who not only own one, but also shoot monsters with it as a first instinct

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • This is a mobile prequel to Dead Space 2, or as I like to call it, tiny dead space adventures

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • Pretty good 'being home alone and getting spooked by the sound of the house settling' sim

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • I didn't cut the arm off, and history has proven me right

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • What if Master Chief took off the helmet and it was Frank West

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • That ball really skeeved me the eff out. But the people in the ball seemed like........MAYBE.......they liked being in the ball??

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • Explain this game to someone over 55 who has never played a video game before. This is my pitch for the new social media craze. The Boomer of Isaac challenge

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • I'm not afraid of Phantasmagoria so much as I'm made uncomfortable by it. Like, ethically speaking

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • Remake Left 4 Dead but replace the 4 main characters with Mario, Luigi, Peach and Wario. Replace all zombies with Waluigis. Make the boss enemies into Waluigis that are misshapen

    Spookiness: 3/10

  • You're outside of Rapture a lot in this game, and not once does the developer have a shark attack you. Imagine the restraint. Imagine the amount of character you have as an artist to have to resist that impulse. Imagine

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • That's a pun, alright

    Spookiness 2/10

  • I can't for the life of me guess what is going on with the ghost guys' heads. Some kind of wicker basket situation happening there. Spooky guys...they love wicker baskets

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • With all its time management and people-pleasing tasks, is playing State of Decay 2 really THAT different from having a full time job?

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • Doom is the game you play after you get spooked by all the other games. Shoot your nightmares

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • Clementine's hat MUST smell like shit at this point

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • Every single decision Remedy made about the Alan Wake franchise was confusing, but I was here for all of it

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • This game only has five sources of audio: the sounds of guns, hell demon noises, rock music, the protagonist challenging those around him to taste his boner, and SCREAMING infants. All of these sounds play at max volume for the entirety of the game experience

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • I deeply love the GB playthrough of this, so much so that I've accidentally made it into a tradition. As a result, I also now love this game. It is VERY good

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • Everyone in this game is to put it. Undulating? Every idle animation and conversational animation is an extreme pantomime of human behavior. People gesticulate with such force you'd assume they were on fire; plus, all their animations loop very quickly. It would be unsettling to live in a town in which you can't even buy a ham and jelly sandwich from the local diner without the waitress AND the chef wiggling at you

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • Chuck rules, man. He's over here duct taping chainsaws to golf carts and stuff. Truly the Tim the Toolman Taylor of video games. But if Tim Allen tried to fight Chuck, Chuck would definitely win

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • If the horror genre adheres to moral conservatism by punishing/killing characters who are outwardly sexual via nudity.......and Dead Island features zombies who are mostly nude and a cast that is mostly clothed..........has Techland doubled down on this trope, or abandoned it altogether? You tell me

    Spookiness: 2/10

  • A horror game insomuch as the idea of receiving incessant push notifications from a robot that needs something from you while you're at work is horrifying

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • I love the title of this game for at least two important reasons. The first? They called this game, this game that that cost so many hours, so much passion, a substantial budget and critical artistic thought - they called it MURDERED. Want to play that game I've been working on for the last few years? Here it is. It's called MURDERED. The second reason is that Soul Suspect is a good title for literally anything. A band, a blog, a restaurant, a bar, whatever. I'm here for it all the way to Massachusetts

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • The Darkness would be 600% better if it had a Doom/Wolfenstein-style metal soundtrack. Why has Bethesda not picked up this IP, actually? Maybe it's because a non-insignificant percentage of gameplay in it is devoted to taking a walk around a subway station, talking to randos

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • It's actually called "The The House of Dead," but was widely mistranslated in the States

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • Gonna make a Doom mod called Mood in which demons run away from you instead of running after you. It's about my social life. Isn't that sad

    Spookiness 1/10

  • Pretty much exact shot for shot remake of the original Alone in the Dark

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • This game didn't use light gun pistols like the others ones, it used submachine guns. Scared yet

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • You may not be spooky, but you are beautiful, and I love you

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • This game is.....puzzling. Get it? Because it's a puzzle game and everyone hated that

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • Classic flavor

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • I've always assumed Escape from Horrorland's budget - just maybe - was not very high. The cast break character during a particularly sloppy late-game sequence and laugh at the 'monsters' kidnapping them while delivering lines about how their lives are in danger. I'm not even joking. I would buy this game in a heartbeat if given the chance. I need to see it again to, if nothing else, prove to myself that it exists

    Spookiness: 1/10

  • Those ghoulies back there are practically immolating themselves to get their undead grabbers on your Shrek-colored t-shirt. Where did you buy that thing? You are an affront to fashion, and these ghoulies WILL stop you

    Spookiness: 1/10