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Smashe(D)Controllers' Best of 2012!

This is a list of my favorite and least-favorite games of 2012...

List items

  • Mass Effect 3 is my Game of the Year and my Co-Op Game of the Year.

    There was no other game I spent so much time with this year. With close to 500 hours and counting on the multiplayer of Mass Effect 3 alone it's easy to see why I pick this as my Game of The Year. It's not the best game released this year, with it's highly-controversial ending and lack-luster quest design, it's far from it but there isn't another game that makes me feel the way I do when I play ME3...

  • Far Cry 3 is my Biggest Surprise of the Year.

    With all the footage leading up to Far Cry 3's release I could not be anymore disinterested with it, but after the November 27th Bombcast I was sold. Far Cry 3 surprised me in a huge way.

  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown is my Strategy Game of the Year and Most Stressful Game of the Year.

    FUCK XCOM... Even on Easy XCOM is still one of the most stressful games I've ever played, oh it's also a really good Strategy game...

  • Assassin's Creed 3 is my Biggest Disappointment of the Year and Best Competitive Multiplayer of the Year.

    Man... Assassin's Creed 3 could have been an amazing game, but with it's incredibly slow start, boring open world and god awful ending(Which I think is worst than ME3's) it maybe my biggest disappointment of all time... It's too bad the Multiplayer is so goddamn good.