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Games I've Finished 2016: Broke as Fuck Backlog Edition

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  • I ran out of steam around 97% completion. All I was missing was a bunch of minigame completions and coliseum grinding though. End fight was hype as fuck.

  • Not a great game by any means, but fun as hell. The DLC wasn't terrible, but I don't think I would've bought it if it wasn't included in the package.

  • Finished the story. Pretty fun, and it's not like I've got mk6 gear yet, so there is still some space trucking left to do if I so desire.

  • Fun game, but what the fuck was up with that last mission? It took me all goddamn afternoon to finish it.

  • I suck at it and I don't really like the sort of music in the game, so in hindsight, probably a poor purchase.

  • I got the platinum, so let no one deny my dedication to titty ninjas.

  • Sure, it took me like six weeks, but I finally finished it. Where did all my free time go? Anyway, good tactical rpg and meteor shower with Oath of Desecration up will definitely wreck a void dragon's day.

  • Finally got around to playing it, and it's pretty good. I do wish I had a little better control over what classes trainees could be though.

  • Managed to finish it on my week off of school exactly as I planned. Getting non-sunlight medal covenant items is a pain in the ass though.

  • Pretty relaxing little game after all the Dark Souls. I liked the stop motion enemy design a lot.

  • Not a bad sendoff, but nothing felt particularly amazing about it to me.

  • Got some minor mopping up to do for the platinum, but I finished Odin Sphere. It's impressive how some mechanical changes can take a game from nigh unplayable to actually enjoyable. Well, the end bosses are a little boring due to the high hp, but other than that it was pretty fun.

  • Did I replay this just so I could have a perfect save file and get an item I'll probably replace in another couple of hours? Maybe.

  • Pretty excited for the last installment.

  • I would've liked it better if it had a real save system.

  • Granteed Dracodeus is one rad machine. Seemed a lot easier than OG 2nd, but English might have helped out a lot there. Translation was a little stilted, but I was mostly interested in the menus, honestly. The end boss had a real fucker of an ace bonus on him too.

  • I never pass up the chance to akasha arts god in the face.

  • Not quite on the level of Senran Kagura yet, but it might get there if there's a sequel. Pqube isn't quite on Xseed's level as for as localization goes either.

  • I got 60 hours out of a game I paid 10 bucks for, pretty good deal. It's a very pure tale of building a sweet car and murdering dudes for gas. Reminds me that I should get Just Cause 3 at some point.

  • Now I just need to find a copy of the vita one and I think I'm caught up on everything they've released in English. Enjoyable game and I'm pretty excited for 8 actually coming out on a non-portable system.