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Right now I haven't really listened to a Bombast in at least 5 months. For the first time I am 99% sure I am cancelling my sub...s...

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2014's Most Disappointing Games

These are the games I've played this year that have been disappointing or were totally lackluster. These are the worst that I've played. There are plenty of games that I've played that don't deserve to be on the best or worst are they ultimately the worst? Who knows...

List items

  • Comparable to the first Assassins Creed: interesting ideas not executed especially well. Maybe the inevitable Watch Dogs 2 will be good but this was boring, the main character uninteresting, and even the soundtrack was bad.

  • Interesting ideas poorly executed. The developer has a history of mediocre games but this was the nail in their coffin, no pun intended. The saving grace is that the game can be easily completed in 5-7 hours. Slightly interesting story hampered by odd decisions.

  • Many people, especially fanboys, wanted you to believe that this was a "COD killer"...they were wrong. Once again, interesting ideas only barely pulled off. I uninstalled the game after a month and haven't touched it since. Perhaps if they let me play the lame campaign I would have actually beaten it, but its really just a radio drama playing over a multiplayer match.

  • Much of the complaints about this game are valid, but lots of those are because of antiquated design. Had the load times been more tolerable and the "open world" not been an utter maze of horseshit, this title might have squeaked off of the most disappointing of 2014 list.

  • Seriously...the MOST disappointing game of 2014 for me. Mechanically sound but devoid of anything related to meaningful content. I cannot think of another game that has completely changed the way I looked at a developer so much than Destiny has. At one point Bungie was in my top 5 favorite developers and now they are no longer even on my radar. Perhaps it was losing key staff...perhaps the drastic change from halo to a new IP with really new ideas screwed them up, who knows! All I do know is Destiny was overhyped, mismarketed, and mishandled. I literally feel lied to about this game. Thank god there is no monthly fee. Every single aspect of Destiny is mismanaged.

  • An interesting single player campaign doesn't pull this title out of the disappointment category. Why not?

    1. Sloppy netcode + P2P multiplayer client.

    2. Boring/lazy map design that only barely takes advantage of new mechanics.

    3. Multiplayer really just feels faster not more intuitive.

    4. Bugs, Bugs, Bugs. I couldn't even really get credit for finishing the SP campaign as a bug kept the game from properly saving my progress.

    5. Boring Kill streaks

    6. Unimaginative weapon selection

    7. Horrible implementation of melee in the multiplayer.