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Right now I haven't really listened to a Bombast in at least 5 months. For the first time I am 99% sure I am cancelling my sub...s...

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2013's Most Disappointing Games

Again, there is no hierarchy to this list's structure. These are just the 10 games I was most disappointed with.

List items

  • Worst in the series, too much combat, and no soul.

  • I wanted to get sucked into this game but eight hours in and I realized how much of the game was half assed. I also realized how much I hate grinding as a means to pad out a game's length.

  • The game is pretty! Other than that its standard FPS and that's about it.

  • I found the combat dull and the story was dumb even for MGS standards.


  • Maybe I came into this game with too many expectations OR certain people on Giant Bomb hyped this game into oblivion but I found the controls laborious, the story INCREDIBLY predictable, and everything else was dull. Also, they talk like Sims and that's never a good thing.

  • I don't think this game is ass but it was pretty boring and unbalanced. Also, the "amazing" story is really just a retelling of a story retold about 10 times in DC so it did nothing for me.

  • Wow...just wow. Seriously. At one point earlier in the year I remember telling a friend, "If Arkham Origins is just more of Arkham City then I will love it." Apparently, I didn't know it but I was lying at the time. This game was dull and the story was BAD. Not only that but the marketing and lead up totally lied about what they were offering. All of those dangerous assassins? Yeah, they aren't that dangerous and the dreadful Deathstroke is in the game all of five minutes. I rushed through beating this game so I could get rid of it for extra money towards PS4 games.

  • This game is total crap. I hated every second I was in it.

  • They must have had bets to see if they could make a COD game that just barely did enough to get released...because this game is bland as hell. Not to mention they have broken parts of the multiplayer.