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GOTY 2011

Well its time for that age old debate with oneself of which games do I think are the best games of the year. Time to get this party started!

List items

  • Skyrim has seemingly keep me playing for many a hour. The amount of content is staggering yet the best thing about it is that most of it is very well done. The random amount of insane stuff that might happen make this my GOTY.

  • How does valve follow up one of the most surprising puzzle games with a unique story ever? A even better game that has so many great notable characters that aid or hinder you along the way and don't doubt that they actually managed to make a awesome game to go around it.

  • Many choices await you in the world of Deus Ex. Do you want this to be a stealth action game or a full on fps? Your choice and that's what makes this game great.

  • I give this 4th place award to the game that really feels like its a game in the classic sense. Play it for fun and enjoy.

  • How many blocks can I break so I can make my house? Millions it seems... A variation of the minecraft formula but they managed to put a game in here. Explore dungeons or even hell if your up for it. Reminds me of classic action rpgs while being able to build castles.

  • A shame this game out in January. Many people have forgotten that this was out this year. MM once again proves they know how to make a great platformer with even better tools for all you creative types out there. (not me ahhh)

  • From the creator of phoenix wright ghost trick is a very unique video game. With a compelling yet weird story and the most unique gameplay to back it up it's easily on my top 10.

  • Do you like to die? I like to die so i love dark souls. The reward at the end of the day is that you managed to live till the end. You did it nothing else is more gratifying than actually beating this game.

  • They actually made me care about a story in a gears of war game... wow. Good job Epic you did alright this year.

  • Like my previous comment it's the story that made this on my list. The solid fighting game around it also helps it out. But it was the storyline that managed to combine MK1/2/3 that hooked me in. The many hours taking on the challenge tower didn't hurt either.