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Best of 2010

pweidman: Best of 2010

List items

  • THE barsetter of 2010. Everything minus story was improved and the game looked and ran beautifully. EA hasn't gotten to this Bioware team...yet!

  • Reach is the pinnacle of the series, and tells the most mature story by far. NO game has so many features, nor will any be played as long as this will, online or off. Graphics and production values are off the scale. Bungie went out correctly.

  • Rockstar's best game ever, by far. The game's environments were amazing, and the story was the best of the year in a video game.

  • Despite all the bugs and glitches, this Fallout game is the most addictve yet. So many great ideas added to the formula by Obsidian, and so much to do and see. An openworld gamers heaven.

  • Best multiplayer game of the year. And the content just keeps on coming. Battlefield 3 has huge shoes to fill.

  • Well rounded game. Fun campaign with charismatic characters,and a very fair and balanced, and addictive multiplayer experience.

  • Incredibly engaging action game. Special abilities were amazing, as was the general horde slaughtering. The campaign was super deep and awesome, and the online co-op mode was great too. Most severely underrated game of the year.

  • The co-op campaign alone made this game great. Gorgeous visuals, incredible scale, and bosses to drool over, and mechs to pilot were some of the highlights. Level design was also top notch, low G level especially. The multiplayer component is a methodical flavor, but great nonetheless. Brad's flop review of the year...he totally swung and missed.

  • The story in this game was original and great. The atmosphere and environments were stellar, and the gameplay while being very solid, also offered several viable options for each senario. The stealth equipment and the ammo mechanic in the game deserve special mention. This game does not hold your hand, and gives the player complete authority, and that worked extremely well.

  • Best arcade game of the year. Updated graphics, tables, and physics all are improved. And the genius: the friends leaderboards and cooperative rewards, both in competitive versus online, and just in comparing and adding to Wizard Score!!! 17 tables and counting...not all are great but many are...Spiderman deserves special mention as FX2's best of the year.