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GOTY 2013

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  • All these months later, this one stuck with me the most. Elizabeth, the music, the sights, the ending...

    It feels like a game while The Last of Us feels like something more mature. The constant shooting and amazing vigors don't seem out of the ordinary. But the imagination that went into the world, the reinterpretation of known works, and the fact that Irrational managed to pull another twist we didn't see coming are all amazing feats. So it's akin to a musical where violence breaks out in lieu of song. The action and the story don't come together perfectly, but both a top-notch.

    At the end of the year, as much as other games grabbed me and spoke to me, this one left me on my couch the longest. This one made me thing the most. And this ones images, songs, and themes have resonated the strongest over time.

    After playing Hotline Miami and The Last of Us, I didn't think it would be, but time has proven Bioshock Infinite to be my favorite game of 2013.

  • I played this immediately following The Last of Us. I felt I was done with games. What else could they offer? Surely all other games would feel amateurish in comparison. Then came this retro marvel on PSN. The mechanics are fast and satisfying. The story is interestingly told. The music is top notch (see M.O.O.N.'s Hydrogen). The Dennis mask and knife are the path to victory.

    Simple, brutal, and pulse-pounding. Hotline Miami is a must play.

  • This game is not fun. If being fun is a qualifier for being a game, this may be less of a game than Beyond. I didn't smile at the action. I didn't feel a rush. I guided my protagonists through a ravaged world and understood every questionable decision they made. I felt every gut punch. The Last of Us is thoroughly depressing, but expertly crafted. It's a game where the mechanics meet the story and everything marries perfectly. I adore this game, despite it making me feel like garbage.

  • Yeah, it's barely a game. The same can be said of Device 6, and that nearly made my list. Jody is an amazing character. Sure, the love interests were written so poorly that I was shocked to discover Jody may have feelings for them. Sure the story requires MASSIVE suspension of disbelief for the political/military sections. But in the end, I was absolutely engaged. I cared for Jody and I wanted what was best for her. I was also on the edge of my seat the entire time. Beyond is a wonderful experience.

  • This is up there with Bayonetta and the mighty Vanquish as a personal favorite. Platinum know action. The game in bonkers, the thrash soundtrack somehow feels at home, and it all just works magnificently.

  • I played this with my four year old son, not knowing how dark it would get. We swapped the controller back and forth and shared a wonderful experience. I had to explain some things to him, and he grasped the content maturely. This is sweet and sad game with plenty of whimsical adventure thrown in. The marriage of gameplay to story is readily obvious immediately and knowingly appreciated by the end.

  • Dead Rising 3 + co-op = "Xbox, record that!"

    I spent as much time documenting the night's insanity as I did creating it. This game absolutely has flaws (the campy writing fell apart after 20 minutes, I HATE when you can max out skill trees), but the weapons, vehicles, and general madness made it some of the most fun I've had all year.

  • Trevor. Also, Franklin is meant to have a nice big beard. That should be canon.

  • While I didn't love this Dante, I liked him more than the old one. Some really good acting and storytelling, satisfying combat, and insane level design made this one stand out.

  • I loved the short chapters in a co-op setting. The optional challenges tying into the story telling was great, too. We ALWAYS went for the extra challenge, and opting in on the more daunting ones was always a great "oh, crap" moment. Also, more games need to send you into battle with low visibility.