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Best of 2011 That I Didn't Play

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  • The demo really soured me on the game, but most accounts suggest that the game is pretty good. I don't really feel like I'm missing out on much.

  • Yes, I'm being charitable by including it on a "Best of..." list. I had this from Gamefly for at least a month. It was sent back without being opened. In fairness, a lot of that was because I never got around to finishing Dragon Age, but once reviews came out, it was clear that I didn't need to bother with this game.

  • This appears to be both a competent and reasonably fun shooter, and the reviews make it sound a lot better than I would have expected. Part of me is willing to blame this on not having played Crysis, but it's mostly just because there wasn't much hype for this. It's a pretty lousy excuse, I know.

  • This looks very cool, but I am not much of a driving game guy.

  • At this point, I should probably change the name of the list from "Best" to "Most Hyped."

  • "I hate the combat, the weapons, the stealth, the voice acting, and the ai. Aside from that everything's great." - Jeff Gerstmann

  • I feel like it's not my fault for ignoring this, despite the surprisingly kind reviews. This game did not show well at all prior to release. Also, it's not like I've played either of the first two games.

  • Another surprisingly solid game that did nothing for me prior to release.

  • I just didn't think that id could make a compelling game in 2011, and depending on whose reviews you read, I was either right or wrong. I actually think the game looks ok, if paced a bit poorly, but the lack of a BFG-9000 feels like a huge oversight.

  • Despite the fact that I cannot play driving sims, I always try to convince myself to get into the latest Forza game. Maybe if anyone else I knew played these games, I would as well.

  • Another year, another Ratchet & Clank game that I completely overlook. At least this year's game appears to be mediocre.

  • I felt like I had seen most of what I would want to by watching the quicklook, so I removed it from my queue. I have no regrets.

  • I actually really want to play the multiplayer and spec ops, but I really disliked Black Ops and felt that a gutted Infinity Ward wasn't worth supporting. Every other person in the world disagreed.

  • I never finished Brotherhood, and between this being released right in the heart of release season and me being a bit fatigued with the series, it was a no go this time.

  • I couldn't really play the good game they made last year, so it was pretty easy not to play the lousy one they released this year.