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Mass Effects Best Characters in Order of Awesomeness

Well ME3 was a disappointment and the ending was fucked but that doesn't stop me from fondly remembering the good parts of the trilogy, like the characters! Here are my favorite characters from the sci-fi series that I will forever remember for their awesomeness.

List items

  • FUUUUUUCK YOU BIOWARE. TALI DESERVED BETTER. Seriously though even after the stock photo bs she's still awesome, if she weren't a fictional alien lady in a video game I'd date her, but then she'd probably scientifically explain in intricate detail why it was a bad idea. One of us would end up dead I imagine.

  • He's an ex cop/temp merc/normandy crew member with a witty sense of humor and a face screen that informs him how many times over 9000 Shepards power level is.

    If only he were as cool as that Archangel guy in ME2 though, he might have snagged the top spot on this list.

  • If you need an explanation why Wrex is bad ass your reading the wrong list. Shepard. The only other cool turtles I can think of in nerd fiction involve color coded head bands and pizza.

  • While playing through ME1 I was under the impression all Asari were hermaphrodites, even that thought didn't stop me from liking her. Which probably says an uncomfortable amount more so about me than her.... >_>

  • I think its against fan-rules to dislike Mordin. I mean he's a singing doctor who talks like a star trek character crossed with.. well, I dunno what else but its amazing.

  • Personally I still think Keith Davids best role was Goliath in Gargoyles but eh he's almost as awesome in Mass Effect, despite not being a giant flying purple demon man.

  • You don't FUCK with Trin... I mean Aria.

  • Seth Green isn't one of my favorite actors but his dedication to keeping Joker both funny, interesting and unique through the series shows he is capable of good things. You have to respect a guy with brittle bones piloting a ship that gets destroyed twice.

  • While his entire existence centers around a shitty DLC practice overlooking that Javik was pretty awesome. Could have been cooler but really whats not to like about a 50 thousand year old grumpy brooding Jamacan bug man.

  • Her DLC was great and despite not being fleshed out like most characters I liked her a lot. Sucks she never really got to shine in ME3. Perhaps Bioware will be awesome and give her another cool dlc story.

  • Still the coolest badguy of the three games, even compared to Sovereign and Harbinger with their awesome modded voices he managed to be cooler. Probably helps he wasn't just a giant floating squid.

  • For being a good sport in taking all those punches to the face.