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Best of 2010

Kiri90: Best of 2010

List items

  • I really enjoyed BF:BC2. Its campaign is above average for me, and the multiplayer is superb. It lets you do so many things differently, and it makes all of them fun. I like the emphasis on the team aspect, but one of the things I most enjoyed about this game is the sound. The sound in this game makes you feel like you're in an actual war.

  • This game is absolutely amazing for me. The storytelling in it is great, as is the voice acting. I think one of the best things about is the atmosphere (it really sucks you in).

  • I play this game daily with friends. Although it's amazing online and an even better package than the previous games, there's isn't that much different about it.

  • I've put in a lot of hours into Red Dead, and that partly shows how much I love this game. This game gives you so much to do, while still keeping them all fun. John Marston is one character I won't forget.

  • Not enough to be said about this game. There's so much that is great about it that it's hard for me to not say this game is a must-have. This story definitely has me waiting for the third installment.

  • The visuals are awesome, the story is still amazing, and there's still a LOT to do. One of the really cool additions is multiplayer. It adds another dimension to an already awesome game.

  • This surprisingly beautiful and enigmatic game gave me a great adventure with two characters that will definitely not be forgotten. This game has definitely kept me wanting more.

  • I love you.

    This game managed to get even better this year. I think that's all needs to be said.

  • Though I haven't finished this game yet, it has some great aspects to it. It definitely keeps me entertained with the story, though it has some quirks, it still deserves to make my list.

  • F1 2010 gives the best weather effects I've ever seen, while also providing a great sense of speed. Though the game's "Be the driver" mode is not all that exciting, the driving definitely excels.

  • I can't remember how many times I've had friends over to play this game, but it's up there. This game is extremely fun, and really makes you lose track of time.

  • A good game, but one that didn't differ that much from what I had seen in Halo in the past. It has its moments in both the singleplayer and multiplayer, but I don't feel it is a game that I'll definitely remember as one of my all-time favorites.


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With some exceptions I agree with this list.