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GOTY 2012

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  • One of the few games that i have been able to recommend to everyone this year regardless of gaming ability. This game tells a story that will stick with you for months after you have played it, it can be a gigantic downer at times but you really do care about the characters at the end and that is rare these days.

  • The first game to genuinely scare me in quite some time, this is the perfect showcase for the WiiU and its unique abilities. The experience is harrowing and not always easy to play, but its a thrill to live through this grimy, dark and disturbing adventure.

  • Jacky returns in one of the most visceral and brutally fun games of the year, wielding the darkness puts a fun spin on the standard shooter genre and allows the player to really feel like an unstoppable force of vengeance.

  • Sleeping Dogs is almost like a cross between Grand Theft Auto and Shenmue, it takes the best parts of every open world game that has ever been and somehow takes all of their strengths and very few of their weaknesses.

  • Darksiders II takes a familiar world and places you in the boots of War's very pissed off brother Death. In a game that is more than twice as big as the previous adventure but with more of a fantasy feel to it, it really does a good job of moving the story forward without feeling too familiar.

  • Described by many as Monster Hunter for Westerners, Dragon's Dogma gives the player a high fantasy world where ever encounter is a boss battle. Monsters can be climbed on, limbs hacked off, brought crashing down from the skies by a well placed arrow, the enjoyment to be had in this game really is in the gameplay itself. its now always perfect but a lot of work and ambition has gone into this game and it shows.

  • The final part of the thrilling Mass Effect trilogy ends on a somewhat sour note and isnt all that it could have been. It still makes it into my top 10 by sheer virtue of the actual journey to the end being as much fun as it ever was, every character, every decision played out really does make the universe feel like your own, its just unfortunate the mechanism for ending the game was far from eloquent.

  • Borderlands II had a lot to live up to and in many ways it did deliver, it brought more of the manic game play from the first game and of course the crazy colourful characters. The game is sharper, faster and larger than the original but the main cast are slightly less likeable this time around. That doesn't make this a bad game, but it does make it run out of goodwill faster than the previous adventure.

  • This game benefits from being more anime than actual game, imagine if you will something along the lines of Fist of the North Star or Dragonball Z and then times that crazy factor by at least 1000. The worst parts of this game are the parts that give you full control over Asura, indeed the best parts are the over the top story telling and crazy battles. I loved playing this game and it was easy to forgive a lot of its shortcomings but i feel this is a thing personal to me as a fan of anime and Japanese cinema. This is not a game for everyone and not there are a few who will really not understand why this game is so loved, but this game was made for me, or people like me and it hit all the right notes.

  • Without a doubt, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is one of the best fighting games released this year, featuring a massive cast all with very accessible move sets, its hard to go wrong with this one. The story cinematics are as always over the top, the fighting fast and fluid even online, and most of all, this game looks well crafted. If you enjoy fighting games at any level of experience this is one for you.