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  • PS4: Out of left field comes the new PvP replacement me and all my friends from Destiny Trials were looking for. What else is there to say about it, I hate prior BR entries, and I can't put Apex down. I'm sometimes actually thinking the feel of it's shooting surpasses Destiny 2, just not Destiny 1.

  • PS4: Well this game came out of nowhere. And that is in no way a bad thing. I was both pleasantly surprised by and couldn't take my hands off this game. For this type of game, not being able to see it all in one playthrough (or even 5 sometimes) just makes me want to keep at it until I get all the things. It might be one of the best drop in drop out coop games in a long time. I have thoroughly been enjoying my time with it.

  • PS4: Really enjoyed my time with this game. May not be something I go back to, but well worth the time spent. It was a major upgrade in many ways over Borderlands 2, but also felt a bit created in a bubble without truly being the type of game it should at this point and time.

  • Switch: It was nice to get back into a Pokemon game for the first time in awhile. And it's easily the best one I've played. Still a bit annoying to know so few of them though. I really wish it would have been a combination of all available Pokemon for the first major Console release, but 400 was plenty to try and find, just hard to decide which ones I like since most of them were new.

  • PS4: I really enjoyed my time with Division 2. And like 1, probably more than a lot of my friends. This time around though, I enjoyed the DZ far less, but the game drastically more, and was likewise very disappointed in their End Game content seeing as how the Raid is basically impossible on Consoles. The fact that Massive has no desire to really adjust that difficulty on PS4 kind of pisses me off though, so I now have mixed emotions about Division 2, which kind of sucks, because I was really really enjoying it.

  • PS4: There is a lot to love here, but I honestly feel like they just had so many half measures. It's kind of an RPG, but not. It's kind of like a Souls game, but not. I enjoyed my playthrough, but it will probably never be more than that, and that's a shame, because it could be so much better if Respawn actually had the time to make this game great.

  • PC: I really wish this game was larger. I was expecting Fallout: New Vegas, and feel like I got only the first 15 hours of New Vegas. The game brings up some cool concepts, but it doesn't flesh them out like NV did. Like I tried to do this whole double agent thing, and it forced me to murder a whole planet that I spent a ton of time building out (was pretty upset about that, and replayed about 3 hours to get back to where I was). Kind of wish they'd have let this game sit in the over for another year.

  • Shadowkeep: There are some great aspects to Shadowkeep, but there are also some serious problems. I think it's also worth noting that it's probably the lightest major content release for a Fall they've ever dropped.

  • PS4: The campaign was solid, but I'm still not sure why I keep trying COD Multiplayer, I really don't like it anymore. The Spec Ops stuff though seems rather fun, I just wish the servers would actually work reliably with a 4 player group.

  • PS4: What to say about this game... the story really had potential until about halfway through when they both squandered the story they were telling, and ruined the actual decent story of FC5... The more RPG focus was not my favorite, and I much preferred the way FC5 played. To be honest, this is a game that obviously didn't get enough man hours into it by Ubi. It's a story I didn't need, to conclude one of the better campaigns any Ubi game has had since FC3 with FC5. I really don't even recommend playing it. It had so much potential, but much of the game really fell flat. I will say the new Mode for resource gathering was pretty cool in a lot of different locations, going in, finding a hidden stash, and getting out. I'm really interested to see how this feature is developed in FC6, as it's relatively under-served here but has huge potential.