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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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Ninja Games I've Played

Ninja is the martial arts, and Shinobi a male ninja, and female Ninja is Kunoichi. will just want to say something about Ninja :)

1996~2000 Shinobi, complete campaign: ∞ can't count 1 coin per sealing

1998~1999 Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, complete campaign: 0x no memory card.

2005 Azumi, complete campaign: 0x no memory card.

2020 Ninja Blade, complete campaign: 1x

2017 Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, complete campaign: 1x

1995~1997 Ninja Gaiden, complete campaign: 1~0x can't be certain.

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