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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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Modern Air Combat Games I'v Finished & Played

A helicopter, jet fighter, or air combat drones, anything to do with modern air combat games is here.

2020 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Completed the Campaign 1x

1999~2002 F-16 Multirole Fighter Completed the Campaign for 1x

2004 Top Gun: Combat Zones Completed the Campaign for 2x

2000~2001 Top Gun: Fire at Will flight like reality

2001~2002 Comanche 4 Completed the Campaign for 2x

2002 Comanche 3 Completed the Campaign for 1x

2001 F-22 Raptor Completed the Campaign 0x in and play with joy

2001~2002 F-22 Lightning II Completed the Campaign 0x in and play with joy

2003 U.S. Navy Fighters magazine airplane lead me to try it :)

1999 ATF Advanced Tactical Fighters, to learn how to play

1999 Israeli Air Force, can't found it now!

2000 AH-64D Longbow, so serious!

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