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Perhaps I after all, did really studied in Khidr Tower..who know😏

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Classic Air Combat Games I'v Finished & Played

Engine like car, with big van spinning, and shotts from big machine gun, or drop blindly bomb this is, old airplane completely dog-fight in so close range.

2019 Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Completed the Campaign for 1x*

2020 Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII Completed the Campaign for 1x

2001~2003 Pearl Harbor: Strike at dawn Completed the Campaign for 1x*

2002~2003 Red Ace Squadron Completed the Campaign 1x

2020 Combat Wings Completed the Campaign 1x

2020 Combat Wings: Battle of Britain Completed the Campaign 1x

2020 World War II - Pacific Heroes Completed the Campaign 1x

2020 Air Conflicts Completed the Campaign for 1x

2001~2004 B-17 Gunner: Air War Over Germany***

2000 B-17 Flying Fortress Fly and shots.

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