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Just out of Reach

I know this is about seven years too late, but I was thinking about tension in narrative games, and how easy it is to ruin a good buildup with something as trivial as bad checkpointing or enemy placement. It got me thinking about the last time this was really made clear to me.

It got me thinking about Halo: Reach.

I had a memorable (not in the good way) experience at the end of Halo: Reach that really stuck with me (spoilers follow)

The final level of Halo: Reach arrives on the back of an impressive buildup. The campaign is dark, illustrating the folly of fighting this unknown foe and yet showing moments of true bravery and sacrifice. There's a certain doomy inevitability that permeates this game, making it unique amongst the Halos, I think.

Any way, this final stage shows me my ultimate objective right from the beginning - the Pillar of Autumn. Covenant are everywhere, and I have (according to the story) limited time to get to the ship and deliver Cortana. I'm playing on Heroic (because that's the way Halo is meant to be played!)

Off I go, playing faster, more carelessly than usual. The orchestral score is fantastic, constantly building, constantly driving me forward. Each enemy encounter is now heightened by the knowledge that it's slowing me down - time is of the essence here, and these dudes picked the wrong Spartan to mess with.

Amid the hail of grenades and weapons fire, I catch a fleeting glimpse of the Autumn in the distance, a looming beacon over the battlefield, growing larger as I inch closer. I am having a ton of fun right now.

After tense gun battles and breakneck driving sequences, I finally make it to the flagship. Cortana is delivered, though at a great cost, as I'm the only Spartan left of my team. As the covenant ships converge, I choose to stay on this dying planet and provide cover fire for the Autumn's escape. A suitable, bittersweet end for a brave warrior.

This should have been the climactic scene where I ran to the turret unimpeded, and expertly took down a couple of covenant ships while the Autumn took off just in the nick of time. It would have been awesome.

But that's not what happens. Instead, a covenant cruiser drops off a bunch of enemies between me and the turret. "Whatever, I don't have time for this!" I shout in my mind as the music swells and I rush to meet them head-on. "Time to cut through these fools and get to that turret!"

Turns out "these fools" are tough-as-nails cloaked Elites that don't place much value on dramatic tension. They cut me down instantly. The music stops. A beat passes. Reload.

The music is swelling again! I run up towards the Elites, firing madly and throwing grenades like the badass just-in-time-to-save-the-Autumn Spartan that I am. But now one of them is behind be somehow. Dead. Music Stops. Reload.

This happens a few more times. Like a LOT actually. By now all the tension is gone, I'm frustrated as hell and I just want this to be over. Eventually, somehow, I take them all out with barely enough ammo to spare. I'm relieved, but not enthused. I'm sure as hell not "immersed."

I jump on the turret, ready to take out the last couple of rogue ships - but here's more than a couple. They shoot the Autumn down and it's game over. Music stops. Reload. Motherf...

You see, my turret has a low fire rate and each shot has travel time, so hitting these moving targets before they shoot down the Autumn becomes an exercise in trial and error. Another death. I now know where the third ship comes in from. Another death. Another death. I plot out the exact arc to swivel the turret so that it fires just in time to take out ship four while I reposition the crosshairs over the empty space that I know ship five will soon occupy.

Another death.


30 seconds (maybe a minute at the most) of game time should have passed from the moment I dropped off Cortana to the moment the Autumn broke atmosphere. The dramatic tension that had been so expertly built up over the course of the level, of the entire game, should have culminated in a powerful moment of cinematic payoff. Instead I got half an hour of trial and error, frustration and disbelief, dying and reloading. By the time I finally got it right, it didn't matter anymore, and the poignancy of my final moments alone on a doomed planet fending off an endless covenant horde was shattered.

Halo: Reach got so close. So close to one of those transcendent moments where everything comes together, where everything clicks and feels exactly as it should. Like in a well-crafted film where you realise what the twist is seconds before the main character does, and get to share in their revelation.

But it wasn't that. And even though I can look back now and say I enjoyed my time playing through Halo: Reach, my lasting impression is one of squandered tension. A missed opportunity. A botched payoff.

Maybe I should have played it on Normal.



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Nah, Heroic is good. Reach is quite a gem, yea.

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Edited By Justin258

Plasma pistol!

Also those invisible Elites shimmer. When I played it through on Heroic, I remember being extra-extra careful and keeping an extremely close eye on everything in that last little bit. I guess I'm just extra-good at detecting that invisible shimmer, as invisible Elites never bugged me more than regular Elites. If anything, the highest-level Elites in the Halo games are the ones that are the worst.

EDIT: Also, for me, any dramatic tension in Halo Reach came from the finely-tuned mechanics and excellently paced difficulty (yes, even this bit!), not the rather drab and bland story. I know which character Kat is, and I remember the big guy because he went out in a pretty awesome way, but the rest of it was just "eh". I didn't really want to take a Halo game as a serious desperate war drama anyway. Especially when most of the enemies have the color pallet of those purple and blue Pop-Tarts.

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Actually, it was precisely because of the gravity of the situation that I fought extra hard against those elites and I managed to kill them all my first runthrough, no deaths. I can understand exactly what you're talking about but I had just the experience it wanted me to.

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I just remember there being a lot of explosions and crap flying around.

Man, I enjoy Halo and all, but I never know what the fuck is happening in those games.

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Edited By csl316

I really like when a game puts a tough challenge toward the end... but not at the very end. That way you get your satisfying gameplay culmination followed by a smooth, well-paced ending.

Mass Effect 3 had a tough final area with a crazy section that I found riveting, but the last hour or so (including cutscenes) relaxes the game part for the sake of the narrative. In a story-driven campaign that seems like the best of both worlds.

Otherwise you may be stuck with a Halo 1 ending that may be amazing... unless it takes an hour of reloads.

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Actually, it was precisely because of the gravity of the situation that I fought extra hard against those elites and I managed to kill them all my first runthrough, no deaths. I can understand exactly what you're talking about but I had just the experience it wanted me to.

That would've been awesome. It's weird, because I felt the game wanted me to breeze through those guys and finish off the campaign. To me it felt like the difficulty spike had already peaked. I'm kinda jealous now.

@csl316 said:

I really like when a game puts a tough challenge toward the end... but not at the very end. That way you get your satisfying gameplay culmination followed by a smooth, well-paced ending.

Mass Effect 3 had a tough final area with a crazy section that I found riveting, but the last hour or so (including cutscenes) relaxes the game part for the sake of the narrative. In a story-driven campaign that seems like the best of both worlds.

Otherwise you may be stuck with a Halo 1 ending that may be amazing... unless it takes an hour of reloads.

I got this from the end of Gears of War 2. Tough campaign, but once the story's been resolved, they give you the cakewalk where you're on the Brumak just laying waste to fools. You're almost invincible and there's no challenge but that's kinda the point. You get your moment. Reach lead me to believe that a similar thing was going to happen.

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Pfffft Heroic .... Legendary it were its at dude ¬_¬

Halo Reach ist Halo perfection , ok I´ll give you the turret sequnence , the rent it to damn high in that one D:

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@fram said:

@csl316 said:

I really like when a game puts a tough challenge toward the end... but not at the very end. That way you get your satisfying gameplay culmination followed by a smooth, well-paced ending.

Mass Effect 3 had a tough final area with a crazy section that I found riveting, but the last hour or so (including cutscenes) relaxes the game part for the sake of the narrative. In a story-driven campaign that seems like the best of both worlds.

Otherwise you may be stuck with a Halo 1 ending that may be amazing... unless it takes an hour of reloads.

I got this from the end of Gears of War 2. Tough campaign, but once the story's been resolved, they give you the cakewalk where you're on the Brumak just laying waste to fools. You're almost invincible and there's no challenge but that's kinda the point. You get your moment. Reach lead me to believe that a similar thing was going to happen.

I like difficult games, and loved incredibly tough final bosses back in the day (still do in the right genre).

But when I'm trying to finish a cinematic game on a work night but end up staying up til 2 instead... just gimme a damn Brumak.

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@fram said:


@fram said:

Off I go, playing faster, more carelessly than usual.