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Naked Cartoon Podcast #6: Japanese Finger

In the span of four days, we managed to pull our shit together and get right back on schedule by consistently posting these things inconsistently. But hey, we're putting this up on a Monday and, if it frees up the anguish of editing for the rest of week, I'm all for it. As the name of episode implies, we get ever closer to actually having a thought-provoking discussion about naked cartoons. However, with AjayRaz missing (no doubt due to the insane amount of hentai he's been downloading) it's still a case of "so close, yet so far away"; detailed show notes are in the spoiler tag.

VinceNotVance apathylad Ace829 aurahack Bones8677
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Numbers for Episode V: Vince Strikes Back

Episode V downloads: 49 (~43% decrease*)
New subscribers: 2 (95% decrease*)
New site visits: 6 (50% increase*)
*Compared to Episode IV: Reloading Arms over a four-day period


Episode downloads: 266
Subscribers: 94
Site visits: 35