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My Top 20 favorite Nintendo Games. Part 1 of 2: 20-11

Released in the states in 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System has gone down in history as one of, and in some people's minds, the greatest video game console ever made. I do believe nostalgia plays a strong role in some folks love for the system. Personally, I think the system had a strong line up with a variety of memorable games but I had my issues with it back then though.

In any case, this is the system that truly made me into a gamer and I do owe it thanks for the memories. Hell, I even made a bunch of friends for having the system. Even though there was a time I really loved the system, there were times I loathed it as well. One thing that always bothered me was how the games were almost never arcade perfect, and because of this I spent so many hours right back in the arcades. Some games I remember being colossal disappointments due to this, with the original Double Dragon immediately coming to mind. However, when I look at it from another angle, the system did great with various other games. I enjoyed many of their third party titles and some of them I still own even up to this day, and I can probably play them right this minute. Well anyway, I'll just go ahead and get to the list.

List items

  • 20) I think I can safely say this is the game that turned me into a serious fan of the shooting genre. It definitely upped the ante for the genre being able to upgrade your ship with speed and various weapons. The stages were indeed tough, and they along with the bosses only got tougher. However, there was one thing about the Gradius series that really got on my nerves. The final stage would be so damn hard, hell, the entire game would be so damn hard, but the final boss would be such a chump. No exception with this one right here. Still, I remember putting in way too many hours to master this game so it definitely earns a spot here.

  • 19) Even though it's hailed as one of the hardest games in the world, and it may have given me the most trouble to finish, G n' G still felt like the most rewarding because it provided me with bragging rights. I knew too many people who couldn't get pass the third stage much less beat it. It had some pretty cool throwing weapons with the knife being the best, and some nice stage designs. I wouldn't dare bother going through all that hell now to beat it, but it earns a spot as one of my favorites.

  • 18) I remember this game being the single one for the NES that made me forget about Super Mario Bros. altogether, admittedly, being a fan of the arcade version played a strong role in this. Nintendo did a good job bringing this one over to the home system despite some minor issues. Still, you played as a pseudo-ninja armed with a sword that he twirled around socking enemies off the screen. I remember the BGM being really catchy, but it was the boss battles that stood out to me, especially the final battle with the Stone Wizard, that featured multiple battles with him through out the final stage. I remember this game being very tough too.

  • 17) Bubble Bobble can also make another list of mine as one of the most addicting games ever. The game features bubble blowing dinos that must capture enemies inside of bubbles and the bubbles must be popped to defeat them. There are at least one hundred stages that must be completed. This game features some of the most creative single stages in gaming along with a BGM that has been stuck in my head for nearly 30 years. The only issue I can think of is that it can only be beaten in two player co-op mode. But you do fight a guy at the end named Super Drunk. So the game earns cool points for that alone.

  • 16) Super C didn't exactly improve on the original Contra a great deal, but I do remember it being very fun and it was a nice fix for the Contra-fan who may have played the original way too much. Konami stuck with what worked and kept the key weapons around. The vertical scrolling stages were a nice addition, however, it's the BGM I remember the most especially, since this time around the bosses were given themes.

  • 15)This was the hardest platformer I came across for the NES until Ghosts' N Goblins came into the picture. Castlevania up to this day is very tough, this goes for the stages and most boss battles. I really enjoy the supernatural like setting and the multiple weapons added a deal of variety. The sequels would improve on this one, but since I remember this game clearly it makes the cut.

  • 14) I know that one of my issues with the NES were the drastic changes when porting games over to the home system from the arcade, and it usually left me quite uptight. Gun.Smoke, a western game that followed a bounty hunter with two pistols through overhead stages was one of those games to recieve a makeover, but it was actually done better than the arcade. For one, the length of the game was actually slashed to 6 stages from 10 which limited the redundant feel and even rehashed bosses, plus the main character was given plenty of powerups such as shotguns, magnums, and even a machine gun. Gun.Smoke was no doubt one of my faves and I could probably play it right now.

  • 13) I remember it being a shock when I saw that Nintendo were able to keep this one pretty much faithful to the arcade version. In addition, they even made it less difficult than the arcade but not by very much. Contra featured some pretty cool stages and awesome weapons. The two player co-op was great as well and the help was necessary, but when that spread gun came floating across the screen, it was every man for himself.

  • 12) Here goes a sequel that did what it was suppose to do, and that's improve on the original. The one thing I noticed about this game was that it removed the excessive difficulty of the original and balanced it out the right way.Megaman was always known for its creative stages, and I think this sequel had intentions on out doing everything in the market, for example only to name one part; a boss battle that saw a robotic dragon chasing Megaman across falling platforms, and the actual fight took place on three small blocks where instant death was more than likely, very challenging indeed if you didn't use the right weapon. There weren't many games at the time that pushed the platforming element to such a difficulty.

  • 11) Now while I think about it. Perhaps I have been a little hard on the Nintendo for changing arcade games when porting them over to home systems. Gyruss is a very strong argument on how change can't always be bad, since this port was far better than the arcade version. Gyruss is a tube shooter, one of the rarest types of shooters still up to this day, as it followed a space ship blasting away enemies in a 3D like element, with the ability to only travel in a circle around the screen. Besides the game being hard as all hell, the one thing that stood out to me was the new addition of boss battles. Some of these fights were very tough, and required a great amount of patience. This was my favorite NES space shooter.


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Great List!

The NES was a fantastic time to be gamer. So much experimentation, so much innovation.

It seemed like the NES had some of the best games of all time, and a lot of the worst.

Totally agree with you on Gun.Smoke (less was more there) and the Arcade to home console port issue. I miss the ole Arcades, that was always the selling point of those places to me to get a premium gaming experience you just couldn't get at home.

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It sure was. I remember being able to play a lot of these games because I would swap games out with friends. The innovation was through the roof and games would be quite strong for decades.

I miss the arcades a lot too.