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Game Informer #105 Janurary 2002: PC Reviews

I didn't play any of these PC games. But my PC habits were heating up.

List items

  • 9.25 -Jess Ventura Not Included- "You get a lot of game for your money with AvP2. I would say go get it before your neighbors." -Kristian- *Second Opinion* 8.75 -Matt-

  • 8.5 -EverQuest's First Real Contender- "Overall, there are so many things to like about DAoC that it's hard not to find the game charming." -Andy- *Second Opinion* 8.75 -Kristian-

  • 6.75 -Dispelling The Myth- "From a storytelling standpoint, this game deserves high praise, but as a PC game it just doesn't cut the mustard." -Kristian- *Second Opinion* 5 -Matt-

  • 9 -Hold On To The Knight- "For those who eat, sleep, and live strategic defense design and implementation, Stronghold should be number one on your to-get list." -Kristian- *Second Opinion* 8.5 -Andy-

  • 8 -Sim Steam- "Hot Date is another solid release in this ever-growing franchise." -Kristian- *Second Opinion* 8.5 -Justin-

  • 6.25 -Almost Famous- "...the game's performance couldn't equal its scope." -Kristian- *Second Opinion* 7 -Kato-