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The Unofficial "Character We'd Most Like to Party With" Category 2015

I get the sense that if I'd played Undertale (Or even most of the games here) this list would have been a lot easier to write.

But no, these aren't my best games of 2015. Yet again I didn't even play ten games this year. This is the invitation list for the end of the year multi-versal party or as it was known in the good old days "Character We'd Most Like to Party With". There's a venue all set, in fact it might be The Inventory from those Telltale poker games- Ooh! It might be the bar from the Michael commercial. Interdimensional portals are being built and catering companies are being narrowed down but the guest list, of course the most important part, must be sussed out.

Though with only a few days left in the year, F-it let's just say The Beginner's Guide is my game of the year.

List items

  • Everyone, sans Claptrap, possible in the final battle.

    But especially Loaderbot.

    If Loaderbot isn't coming the party's cancelled.

    Every protagonist in this game has that Borderlands absurdity mixed with some charming amount of human decency that makes them seem like awesome characters and they should all be at this party. Also this game could've used an everyone parties ending instead of the pseudo-cliffhanger it went out on.

  • The Genial Magician

    A contingent of Port Carnelian natives

    I know it's catering to my tastes and no one else on Giant Bomb played this game but listen here, I've gone deep into the mythology of Fallen London and I can unsafely tell you that a party always benefits from an entertainer with knowledge of the plane beyond mirrors that is Parabola.

    As for the contingent, well I just like the idea of erudite vaguely hedonistic talking tigers.

  • Lara Croft

    Let me pitch this to you: Between fifteen to twenty people are crammed around a booth where Lara Croft is drinking and telling stories of her adventures Hemingway style. Sounds pretty good right?

  • High school teens, party of two:

    Max Caulfield

    Chloe Price

    The time altering teen who was invited because she seemed like it'd be fun to have those powers on hand was finally pressured into to going by her raucous blue haired friend of a plus one.

  • Deacon

    The Crew of the USS Constitution

    That Deacon, right? He's a spy, and he's looking for a good time all the time. Perfect person to have for this party. He's like an Iron Bull that didn't reveal himself as a traitor this year.

    Speaking of iron, that Captain Ironsides knows how to keep a ship in ship shape and properly accented. I don't know how well such a respectable crew would fit in this party but they are too cool to not be invited... Would they make good company with the tigers? Would they make a good crew in Sunless Sea? Can robots be driven crazy? I'm sure the Zea can find a way.

    Speaking of which does Nick Valentine seem like a party person? Noir teaches us that detective and parties never mix well unless there's a dame they need to talk to there. How about Curie? I don't know, I like Curie for some reason.

  • Geralt and presumably an attractive woman of some interesting profession as his plus one.

    Absolutely destroying all that stuff I said about detectives and parties aren't I?

    Now, I played some of the Witcher II and have seen a lot of Witcher III and I've gathered that contrary to all his tired gruffness Geralt of Rivia can actually be a really pleasant guy and is excellent company at parties even when he's being snide toward everyone. Someone tell me I'm wrong.

  • The Massive Chalice

    It doesn't arrive at the door as it in fact a temporary fixture at the venue. Admit it though, the souls contained in that chalice seemed like a pretty cool guy and gal.

  • These squid kids are stupendously stylishly dressed. Get them into this party now! I don't care if they're going to get ink on everything, they're carrying most of the swag of 2015.

  • Quiet




    Arriving at the door to this party is the entire senior staff of Diamond Dogs. The bouncer turns away everyone else because who would want the rest of those angry revenge driven weirdos harshin' the groove of the party?


  • Rico Rodriguez

    I'm just gonna hazard a guess here that the man that invented both the stunt position and parachute flying is a pretty cool guy. He seems pretty shallow but dude, stunt position.