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GOTY 2011

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  • Dino D-Day is a simple experience of the best competitive multiplayer that one can EVER come to experience. Not only is every moment tense and unforgiving, but you are constantly hunted down as a dino in a dino eat dino (or dino eat Allied Powers in this case) extravaganza that you have to truly experience before you can make any judgement on the gameplay. People say that there some "balance problems" with the game, whatever nerd speak that is supposed to mean is irrelevant, seeing as you are a fucking NAZI DINOSAUR WHICH FUCK THE ALLIED PUSSIES UP and yeah since the "patch" the Allied were given some pussy dino that no one cares about and is a ripoff of a badass Nazi dino but hey now the Nazis get fucking T REXES THAT SERVES DON'T HAVE TO SET LIMITS TO. I mean yeah the Allied are meant to get torn up, I'm sorry if you bitches on the other side can't understand that you are supposed to lose. If you find yourself on the Allied side, just shut the fuck up, or do what I do and blackmail admins.

    The graphics are amazing if you only pay attention to certain animations of certain dinos, but since when do graphics make a game. I'd like to see YOU make a mod of Half Life 2 and then charge it for $20(!) and get away clean. The sound design gives an eerie silence when between the start and end of rounds, and a familiar, triumphant score sets in place when said round ends. The voice acting is superb for the dino cast, I didn't really listen to the people but I think some of them say funny things a lot because they keep repeating them. I dunno I wasn't paying attention.

    The gameplay is up in the air. On one hand the guns feel like shit, the medpacks feel like shit, the melee feels like shit, the badass amazing dinos feel like shit, the balance is shit or so I'm told by nerds, grenades are shit, the killcam is shit somehow, the T-Rex controls like shit, gamemodes are shit, newspapers are awesome oddly, and everything is kinda shit. But that's why you don't get hung up on gameplay! You just truck on! You're having fun, whether or not you're enjoying yourself is totally unimportant because the more you think about what you're doing, the less fun you'll have doing anything in life. For example: This review was one of the most fun thing I've done in YEARS, and I'm not even sure how to use half of these words properly.

  • Kind of an ok game I guess? My list really kinda jumps down far after Dino D-Day, but I'll try to be fair. I mean in an ideal world I would have every option as Dino D-Day but whatever we're not going to get worked up over it again, b/c I know Frood is a faggot and wouldn't let me do it cause that's how assholes from the midwest are.

    ANYWAY MOVING ON ok yeah this game is pretty cool I mean stuff is floating and you hit shit with hammers kind of like Mario and that's kind of cool. Had to mute the game cause the developer commentary got fucking left on (LRN 2 CODE) but hey you know we can't all be amazing russian coder muffins so I'm not going to hold it against them entirely. What was I talking about? OK yeah this game is fun too I guess but again needs more STREET.

  • Ok this game was really confusing and I'm not sure what happened during half of the time (used gfaqs cause the puzzles were dumb) god damn if that red headed chick wasn't fuckin hot.

    Also the ending was really cool as shit


    Would have placed this higher if it didn't have all those confusing things (the fuck is a hd cancel?) but hey YURI AND KING GET NAKED KIND OF. THEM SHIRTS BE COMING OFF YOOOO



    also chell is pretty hot


    Yo this is aint the best shmup I ever played (this is my first one) but hey it aint bad I think if these guys keep at it and keep trying to do what they care about and don't release DLC like they think they should be able to then they'll go far. Also get some netplay in this bitch, make it compatible with HAMACHI.

  • yo yo yo yoy oy oy oyoy o

    I am addicted to this game my doctor has to actually come over every other day to my appartment to make sure that I get out of the house and stop playing this game because holy mother of god I'm addicted to this game. Would have been higher up but I actually have problems in my social like that I did not used to have before so this game gets kinda knocked down for that but besides that it's my other GOTY other than Mai.

  • While maybe not my GOTY it is my SGOTY (Streetest Game Of the Year).


    again this would have been higher up but naked ass scars do not make for an immersive experience for half the game jesus christ guys

    fyi this was released in a year that is not 2011 but shit who even cares

  • I don't really play this game but it kind of makes me look smart when I play so yeah

    Some shit happened with gnomes I dunno the gfaqs thing made sense when I read it, but he game is fucking dumb besides that. got 9 b/c that chick in the puzzle house who wants to bone that sasquatch is hot.

  • While this SHOULD HAVE BEEN DINO D-DAY THE BEST GAME EVER ONCE MORE I'll have to simply settle with this because any game where you can shoot flares at wolf skeletons has to be pretty damn good right? I mean I only played it like one time at the walmart but still it was GOTY material from what I played and once once again would be higher but I don't own it since I was told that it might not have been that good but FUCK THE HATERS TOP 10


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Edited By RVonE

Wow, that's an interesting list! Funny write-up as well. Good job!