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GOTY 2012

Hello people. Once again, like many others, I decided to add my list for the top ten games of 2012. Lets get right to it.

And here's a quick list for disappointments of the year

1. Mass Effect 3: Learning that your choices really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, and there's the crappy trilogy endings.

2. Assassins Creed 3: Boring main character and disappointing story conclusion for Desmond Miles.

3. Street Fighter X Tekken: Decent fighting game, but the DLC betrayals and the disrespect of Megaman left a bad test in many people's mouths, including my own. Then there's also the game not having all the modes for all platform versions, even though it's described in the instruction manuals.

4. Capcom: Yes, I'm putting a game developer on the list. Simply put, Capcom dropped the ball in 2012. From breaking their promise and canceling Mega Man Legends 3, to the horrible DLC problems and missing features in Street Fighter X Tekken,. And finally, the biggest disappointment of the year for them: Resident Evil 6. One of the most expensive games they've ever made, completely tanked because of polish problems and bad gameplay features.

Honorable Mentions - a list of games that didn't make the list, but shouldn't be missed

1. Far Cry 3: The most fun gameplay in a first-person shooter in years. For many people, this game is the shooter of the year.

2. Torchlight 2: Great sequel to the downloadable original. If you found yourself disappointed with Diablo 3, give this game a try.

3. Lego Lord of the Rings: The Lego games are really starting to hit their peek and Lego Lord of the Rings is one of the best in the series that'll keep your playing long after you finish the story missions.

4. Deponia: Given that The Walking Dead has brought life back into the point-and-click adventure genre, how about I suggest one of the best games that got overlooked this year. It's a challenging game and the main character is... interesting. The developers even had time to put out a sequel before the end of the year - Deponia 2: Chaos on Deponia.

5. Black Mesa: A very well done and free Half-Life remake mod. It improves the graphics to that of the Source Engine, providing a whole new graphical experience. And did I mention it's free?

6. Prototype 2: Well done sequel to the original.

7. Hitman Absolution: While many diehard Hitman fans are disappointed in the game, I believe it's well done and worth playing. Some people can't stand change, even if it's for the better.

8. Here's the link: Play this free flash game. That's all I can say.

9. Need For Speed: Most Wanted: Criterions sequel to Burnout: Paradise is as great and many fans of the series hoped it would be. Don't miss it.

10. Max Payne 3: Is a great conclusion to the series. Even though Remedy didn't work on this game, Rockstar did them proud by making one of the best action games of the year.

11. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron: This game was on my top ten list, but I had to demote it to honorable mentions for a much better game this year. The game is still surprisingly well done and polished. The storyline of was decent and the voice acting featuring many of the vocal talents of the shows history was well done. The third-person shooting gameplay is also above average.

Now on to the main list.

List items

  • The Walking Dead - Season One is this year's best game for many reasons. It revived the point-and-click adventure genre. A genre that faded into the background over the last decade, despite some quality games still being released. The story is one of the best and emotional you'll ever experience in a game, and definitely the story of the year for me. You'll grow attached to the characters, specially Lee and Clementine. Some try to argue that it's not really a game; those people clearly aren't familiar with how point-and-click adventure games work.

  • Bigger, better, and with a decent story, Borderlands 2 improves upon the original in every way. The lazy story gaps and plot-threads for the original game, get answered in the sequel. And the loot-fest gameplay is as addictive as ever.

  • I finally got around to playing this game. Honestly, I went in expecting hype backlash, given the overwhelming praise this game got. However, XCOM: Enemy Unknown is the real deal. It's one of the most fun RTS games I've played since the World in Conflict games. But while those games were more arcade fun, XCOM truly makes you feel like you're fighting a desperate war to save humanity. Every decision you make has serious consequence, both good and bad. Add to that the actions you take on the battlefield to avoid ambushes and you have one of the most tense games ever made. I respect those who personally name their solders and tried their best to keep them alive. They're much braver than I.

  • Dishonored is one of those classic games many people won't play and that's unfortunate. It's easily one of the best first-person stealth games you can play. The game is set in an interesting world with a decent story you'll enjoy to the finish. The gameplay is also very well balanced, allowing you to play how you like without feeling the game is fighting against you. If you want to play stealth you can, but if you want to just kill everything, you can do that too. How you play is even taken into account for the ending and how some aspects of the plot develops.

  • This game was a surprise for everyone. Spec-Ops: The Line won't blow you away with it's basic third-person shooting gameplay, but it's powerful story will leave a lasting impression on you far after you finished the game. It definitely ranks up their with best story of the year in a video game.

  • Speaking of stealth games, this 2D version of it would arguably redefine the genre itself. It's easily one of the best downloadable games you can play this year, if not the best, period.

  • Binary Domain is one of those games people didn't take seriously, but are shocked to find just how good it is. While the headset communication system got mixed results, you have the option to turn it off and enjoy the game for what it is, a decent third-person shooter set in the future. But what makes the game special is the likeable cast of characters and the very good storyline that surrounds them. Another contender for story of the year IMO.

  • Sleeping Dog is a well done GTA style sandbox game. The main characters was cool to play. The cop and triad mission were fun and the storyline was also top-notch. The gameplay and controls were tight and fine turned. If you haven't played this game yet and have doubts, trust me, you'll enjoy it.

  • It almost didn't make the list this year, but NBA 2K13 is still the best sports simulation you can play, hands down. However, the presentation this year almost ruined it for me. The bad overlay menus and the so-called "Jay-Z production" leaves a bad impression. I hope 2K Sports doesn't go this route again.

  • It's official. Treyarch games have outdone Infinity Ward in the Call of Duty franchise in terms of single player campaign so far. Treyarch decided to switch things up by creating a story-based game in which your actions can determine how the plot develops, even if you're not aware of it. This of course can result in multiple ending, all of which are well done. Of course the multi-player is more of the same with tweaks added here and there, but it's still good.