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Best of 2009

AURON570: Best of 2009
I feel really awkward when it comes to voting in these Game Of the Year awards and stuff, because I haven't even played any of the games >.> I like to think of this as more of a wishlist of games that I wish I could have spent money and time on.

List items

  • Having played tons of BF2 back in the day, I played the demo for 1943 and loved it. Simple team-based, multiplayer, destruction, vehicles, capture points... good stuff.

  • I was thinking of buying this as a replacement for Team Fortress 2. Just looks so damn great, balanced and fun ;D

  • Feel the power of electric man! Raaaawrr... this game looks really fun.

  • At first I was skeptical, being able to kill someone by just walking behind them... no honor. But then I watched the first hour or so of the game. The story did a good job of portraying Ezio and gave him a reason for being an assassin. Looks really good and fun to play.

  • Looks great, does off-road racing justice.

  • For the character customization and the comic-book style.

  • Rabbids are just crazy.

  • Dark, intriguing. I like it.

  • Those flower petals look delicious.