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Games I played in 2013

Stuff I played/finished in the year 2013.

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  • Really enjoyed this one. Very refreshing to see something a little different in the man-shooter genre. Definitely something to check out.

  • Love this one. The ambition of Far Cry 2 refined into something infinitely more playable. I only wish it had achievements on the PC so I'd feel more compelling to complete everything.

  • Didn't have the magic of the first two, but maybe I'm just it was always this repetitive. The story dragged at times and it really feels like a good 40% of the game is cutscenes. Still, I had fun for the most part.

  • Probably my pick for 2013's 2012 Game of the Year. Beautiful game with a great story, fantastic voice actors and a bunch of fun things to do. If one of the achievements wasn't bugging out on me, I'd be in there now cleaning them all up. I'll probably do another playthrough in a few months. HIGHLY recommended.

  • Really, really enjoyed this one. It was tight, well-paced and super fun and felt like it had very little filler. I want more.

  • Incredible. Just. Wow. I can't see any game topping this for the rest of the year. Maybe for longer.

  • This game can't really be "finished" unless you're a crazy person, but I continued to play it a bunch and finished the main story. Still DLC and lots of extra things to go.

  • Had a pretty good time with this one, but it was pretty clunky and felt thrown together. Where Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood did a great job in embedding interesting systems for things like upgrading your villa and restoring cities, the systems in three felt completely optional, obscure and, for the most part, completely unnecessary. This combined with a lackluster plot more interested in including EVERY POSSIBLE bullet-point event from the birth of America than having you do anything remotely apple-of-eden related, meant it was all a bit meh. The ship missions, however, were awesome. This has me excited for part 4.

  • Definitely should have played this years ago. It's aged a bit, but still a great game.

  • What a gem. Definite contender for my 2013's 2012 GOTY award. Few games play half as well as this one. Everything is so elegant and intuitive.

  • Pick this game up cheap and check it out. Worthwhile if you're up for some social commentary.

  • Sweet little platformer with some a fantastic voiceover that gives character and life to a bunch of coloured blocks.

  • Great puzzle game with an interesting art-style. The puzzles struck a great balance of being challenging without feeling impossible and I had some great 'eureka' moments. The achievements, though, are a bit obnoxious as I don't like hunting for secrets with zero hints as to what you're looking for. Despite this, its's well worth getting.

  • Very cool first-person puzzle game. Managed to do this with zero hints, which makes me feel rather clever indeed. Some of the solutions felt like you were working around the game, rather than with it, so they lacked a certain elegance to them, but over-all I would definitely recommend checking this out if you like puzzle games.

  • Done! First play-through, at least. This game is a fascinating, magnificent, antisocial gem of a thing.

  • Really, great. Wildly entertaining from start to finish. Some really amazing set pieces and sequences in this game. The combat was hectic, but accessible at the same time. Awesome.

  • Played a bunch more of this. 50 odd hours played and I feel I've hardly touched it. They're not always the easiest games to learn and get into, but man Paradox games are something else.

  • Finally finished this old thing. Great fun, but the levels aren't exactly packed with variety. Got hopes for the second one.

  • Finally got into this a couple of years after picking it up. I love it. Definitely not easy to get into, but rewarding when you do.

  • Well, this was a surprise. Time to get back to work, I guess... oooh! Hard mode!

  • I've had this for a while and just never got into it. Recently, I figured that I should give it another go and it hooked me. The boss fights are stupid and the visuals are a little behind other games of its age, but it has amazing atmosphere and a great, if orange, world.

  • I LOVED the first Dead Space. I really, really liked the second. I'm... somewhat ok with the third? Some really great moments, but almost completely lacking in scares, which was what I loved about the first so much. The weapon crafting system was a bit clunky and largely unnecessary as nothing in the game encourages experimentation. The story felt made up as it went along and was clearly padded out with backtracking and fetch-quests. Overall, I'm ok with it as I got it free from EA as an apology for SimCity. Won't cry if there's not a fourth, but would very much be down with a reboot that goes back to the horror of the first.

  • Finally got into this game. Guess I just had to be in the mood for shootin' and lootin'. Great fun. Did the first to DLCs. Going to play a bit of True Vault Hunter Mode before I attack the last two.

  • Got into the beta on my final day of work before four weeks off. Perfect timing. Great game.

  • Lightweight, but good fun. Would have liked to see more varied stuff to do in the world and some kind of assistance with the locations of collectibles.

  • Great game dripping with atmosphere and tension. Really felt like you were walking around an empty house during a storm. The story… I don't want to comment, but I think this could have been a little more original.

  • Ridiculously good fun. The perfect end to the Boss's arc.

  • Yet another play-through. A true classic.