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Games I'm Looking Forward To in the Future

There are many games that I look forward to. The problem is that those games usually end up being around the mediocre area. Examples include The Saboteur, Mirror's Edge, and Prototype (though I enjoyed and still enjoy Prototype). With my record, it just might mean that the games I put here will only be mediocre.

List items

  • E3 will show this one off, but for now we know nothing. Killzone 2 was a great game; it looked great, the unique multiplayer was awesome, and it was fun to play. A few problems like nearly no real story and lack of characters we care about can be fixed in this next one, so I'm looking forward to it. This time, don't make the douchebag move that you and Modern Warfare has made: Don't kill off a Garza. We liked him. He was the only person I cared for, so the last few hours were tough for me to get through. Rico would ask for help, and I'd say "No, you're a dick." Wait...Ghost has the same voice as Gaz...Gaz is peculiarly close to the name Garza...I think I'm onto something...

  • I have no idea what's gonna happen with this game. The new Raiden got me terribly excited, so I'm excited for this, but I wonder if they're gonna make it a Ninja Gaiden game, or an MGS game? Maybe even a Sly game? Can't wait to see it.

  • A very unique shooter? I'm intrigued already.

  • A fun platformer with great music is all I'll ever need in life.

  • Is this a game I really have to explain?

  • Any Call of Duty game now deserves a look, whether it Treyarch or Infinity Ward or...whoever's making them now.

  • I was never a big Medal of Honor guy, but beard-toting soldier on front is enough to get my attention.

  • Looks interesting, but'll fade soon after I think.

  • It's a proper MGS game. Just might get me to buy a PSP.

  • Shadow of the Colossus is one of my favorite games of all time, so this earns a spot.

  • OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. You know, I tried Street Fighter because that's apparently the only other fighting franchise that truly matters, but THIS! I feel welcome.


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Edited By sarge1445

ugh black ops is gonna be awful the rest of this list looks awesome

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Edited By AaronReynolds

lol we don't even know what black ops is! i'm sure e3 will gladly clear all that up.
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Edited By sarge1445

but its not made by infinity ward and its ANOTHER call of duty just ugh