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    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Dec 05, 2006

    A Metal Gear Solid game for the PSP which uses similar stealth gameplay found in the popular Playstation and Playstation 2 titles.

    old_snake864's Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PlayStation Portable) review

    Avatar image for old_snake864

    Good addition to the MGS series

    Metal gear solid portable ops for the PSP is one of the greatest psp games available, its a must have for any PSP owner or any MGS fan.

    The story of portable ops follows the events of MGS3: snake eater where you play as naked snake AKA Big Boss where you must dismantle a nuclear threat ignited by his former unit FOX. It helps if you have followed the MGS storyline up to now but newcomers will fit in here to.

    The gameplay of MGS PO is amazing considering its on the PSP. You can bult up your own army from getting rival soliders to join your side you can then use them in various Units such as Medical, technical and more. The main units are the sneaking ones who are the ones who actually carry out the mission. You can have spy units whihc you place on various places they then collect info for your squard such as a weapon may be discovered at that location then you can go and get it. Technical unit lets you devlop gadgets such as thermal googles NVG, mine detecors and a load of other stuff and the medical staff help you to heal faster. Your army can be as big as 100 soliders! As well as that you must work together with Roy Campball (should seem familar) whom you meet at the beginning of the game. you can do all the stuff you could on other MGS games like wall hug, jump out shots, crawl, aim and shoot in first person mode, hold up and much more. The famous CQC returns from MGS3 however is a bit tricky to master considering the controls.

    The gaphics are great for a portable game from the characters to the buildings and environment. Sanke still looks great and still has his eye patch... The levels could have been a bit bigger but considering who many different ones there are doesnt pose too much of a porblem.

    Now then sound... this is the reasons it didn't get a 10. Although the sound is great from footsteps to gun sounds and the good voice acting in the cut scenes, there are places its just doesnt exsist. firstly in the famous CODEC scenes n all other MGS games you can hear the voices now theres dead silence and you have to read everything, thihs is the same for the briefing screen with Roy 'talking' but you actually having to read the text again. Other little bits include when you have someone and are intergating them snake just always says 'talk' and then the hostage scream, but at the bottom of the screen its actually tells you what they meant to says such as 'don't kill me..' instead of them actually saying it. If the sound was more worked on this game would have been excellent.

    The PSP game comes with online play! A feature which most PSP games don't have i was looking forward to playing MGS online.... it didn't dissapoint with a varity of modes and the works including personal scores and ranking online is very fun and can kill a lot of time, unfortunatly nowa days the servers don't seem very crowed.....

    Overall this game is great for well anybody, its way better then the other crappy MGS acid games for the psp. If you can afford it get it! The story is very deep and last a while and with reply value for side missions and excellent gameplay it just says 'pick me up before you go go'.

    Other reviews for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PlayStation Portable)

      A Tactical Espionage Masterpiece 0

      Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, released for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) in 2006, is a stunning addition to the acclaimed Metal Gear series. Developed by Kojima Productions, the game offers a gripping and immersive tactical espionage experience, combining elements of stealth, action, and intricate storytelling.Portable Ops retains the signature stealth mechanics that the Metal Gear franchise is renowned for. Players take control of Naked Snake (Big Boss) as he forms a team of soldiers to thwa...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Looks great, plays bad. 0

      Judging by the 15-hour campaign length, I've made it through roughly half of MGS: Portable Ops, and I just can't bring myself to play any further. After suffering through 8 hours of fighting the camera, enduring horrific gunplay, putting up with tedious stealth exploration and plowing throguh unsatisfying hand-to-hand combat, it's time to pull the plug on this game.The most important feature for series fans will be the story. It's unfortunate the gameplay is so clunky and awkward, it's real toug...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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