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    LEGO Rock Band

    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Nov 03, 2009

    LEGO Rock Band is a family-friendly take on the Rock Band formula, with new songs aimed at audiences of all ages. While the game will play similarly to other Rock Band games, it will feature LEGO characters, instruments, and venues.

    drunknspider's LEGO Rock Band (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for drunknspider

    The Easiest Acheivements I ever slept through

    Lego Rock band is the "family friendly" attempt at Rock Band, which is does rather well. I'm really confused with the fact that some of my more questionably adult DLC from the other Rock Bands are transferable but songs that have similar songs available by the same artist are restricted is beyond me. The story mode animations are done well, more of the same if you have played any of the other Lego games. The song selection that is included on the disc is rather repetative and boring with the exception of the Ghostbusters theme song which after the 100th time through begain to annoy me. The controls are everything you've dealt with from the previous Rock Bands, it is nice how you can't fail songs, which make getting the expert songs achievements cake, which really only has 2 achievements  (perfecting a solo on a specific song and 4 players getting a perfect score) that are really a challange. Most of the others can  be earned by simply plugging in a mic, putting the vocals on very easy and walking away. If you are hurting for achievements this is a great game for a weekend, I put about 5 hours into it and then started the mic trick which works wonders with the wireless mic. Great game for the points, not much else to offer when there are much better music games around.


    Other reviews for LEGO Rock Band (Xbox 360)

      Rock Band is back with LEGO, but does it stick? 0

      It's easy to picture LEGO Rock Band from the title alone but it's much harder to understand how it came together. Someone might have lost a bet a long time ago, but for whatever reason we have lego characters and the Rock Band format coming together in one gaming package. A review could probably be summed up in a few simple questions. Do you like legos? Do you like Rock Band? Do you like the songs included on disk? However, there's a bit more going on beyond the obvious. While it's true this gam...

      13 out of 14 found this review helpful.

      A Solid Game, But A Disappointing One 0

      Given the ability of the team at Traveller’s Tales to take beloved franchises and overhaul them with a charming Lego aesthetic, and the success of Harmonix’s Rock Band franchise in recent years, Lego: Rock Band doesn’t seem like such a bad idea at first glance, unfortunately this instalment of the long-running rhythm game series fails to quite hit its mark.A familiar sight for Rock Band aficionados.At the base of Lego: Rock Band is what you know and love, it’s the classic Rock Band gameplay whic...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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