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    Kingdom Hearts III

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Jan 25, 2019

    The third sequentially numbered title in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

    selphie1999's Kingdom Hearts III (PlayStation 4) review

    Avatar image for selphie1999

    Close But Yet So Far..

    Kingdom Hearts III is the third instalment into the highly popular Square - Enix and Disney mashup RPG.

    After having only played both Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 back on the PS2, one was feeling rather nostalgic to see past characters in whom we have not seen in a long time. Such as Sora, Donald and Goofy whom make up the games main protagonists.

    Sadly though we did not do any research upon this and I'll admit we are not particularly hardcore fans of the series neither. However, there are several Kingdom Hearts games available and we never managed to play any of those, bar those we have previously mentioned. This unfortunately made the overall story somewhat confusing.

    Our original thoughts was after having played both Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 and this supposedly being the third one, was more than enough to understand everything, sadly though it was not.

    Now I'll give the game credit as it did manage to feature the option to look into the story and get a recap before this one. However, perhaps we are just brain dead either way we still did not understand any of it. So a big recommendation is to look into the story of the previous titles before playing this one

    Overall though, there is a nice amount of Disney characters within the game including Monster Inc, Pirates Of The Caribbean and more! Making this game feel great for kids and family audiences.

    However, despite there being a rather big appeal for younger audiences within this game, there is also a large aspect which though is not too bad may be confusing for those deemed a little too young.

    ​​The gameplay is great though and very addictive. It is also not much different from other titles though, this may or may not be a bad depending on how you want to look at it.


    It is a fun game, though perhaps not a title for us. We managed to complete it despite being confused with the overall story.

    However, it does feel like it had been targeted for a much younger audience than ourselves

    It was fun to see Disney characters though and being able to fight alongside them. However, one thing did disappoint us the most that was an incentive to actually buying the game in the first place, was there is next to zero Final Fantasy characters in the game.

    Though this may not be too much a bad thing in general, what makes it more disappointing for us is the fact that in previous Kingdom Hearts titles there was indeed several Final Fantasy characters. We are also not afraid to admit we ourselves are much bigger fans of the Final Fantasy series than anything else in Kingdom Hearts. Final Fantasy is a very popular series that is also created by Square Enix and whilst there are mentions of the series, these where unfortunately very brief and short lived.


    + Great for a younger audience, has plenty of Disney characters that I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with

    + Gameplay and combat are highly addictive and fun. It is more fun and enjoyable than hearing the rather annoying and what feels like at times unnecessary character banter.

    + There are many collectibles to search for, if that is your thing. Though there are a limited amount of side quests


    + It for us felt just a little bit too childish for our liking. We mainly bought the game for the Final Fantasy mix that these games once had but sadly seemed to of lost

    + The storyline is very confusing, so to remedy this make sure to read up on the series and perhaps play the other games before hand. In order to fully enjoy this one

    Main Story Length: 48-50 Hours

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