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    Killzone 2

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Feb 27, 2009

    Take the fight to the Helghast in this first person shooter from Guerrilla Games.

    classypunk's Killzone 2 (PlayStation 3) review

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    • classypunk wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Real Pretty....

    This was the first PS3 game that I have purchased for the year and i loved it. I don't buy a whole lot of games throughout the year, so i am really selective and try and get the biggest bang for my buck and this game delivers. The single player is fairly forgettable but still pretty and fun to play. The one main reason to play through it is to get a taste of some of the weapons that are not in multi-player. The cover system really becomes a take it or leave it and even on the hardest difficulty is not really necessary. But the real meat of this game comes in multi-player. It take a little while to start unlocking some decent classes but i think that is for the best. It can be a little overwhelming at first but getting used to the controls and the way the multi-mission rounds work before you learn all of the details of the classes is important and i am glad they broke it up. Over all a great game and a must have for and PS3 FPS fanboy. It took a lot to pry me away for Team Fortress but the calss based element here are great. I am just sad that they won't be adding to the classes in the same way that Valve makes a commitment to a game.

    Other reviews for Killzone 2 (PlayStation 3)

      Dazzling technical display that should have been so much more 0

      Killzone 2 reviewed on PlayStation 3 It is generally considered that to criticise something for what it does not do is fallacious. After all, it deserves to be judged on its own merits in isolation from what it may or may not have been, and to do so could prove a disservice to its creators. Killzone 2 is ostensibly a shooting game and what it does, it does pretty well. The control scheme is adeptly tailored to the two stick set-up, its visuals are gloriously bombastic and the action itself is m...

      15 out of 18 found this review helpful.

      Guerrilla Delivers 0

      Killzone 2 probably has one of the most storied histories of any game in the past decade. In its now legendary E3 2005 premiere trailer it became the poster boy for the potential power of the Playstation 3. For the next four years speculation, and hype, or whether or not it could live up to this promise ran wild. Well, the game has finally arrived and I can honestly say that Killzone 2 has set the bar far above for any shooters to follow it on the PS3.You can't start any serious discussion witho...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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