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    Killzone 2

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Feb 27, 2009

    Take the fight to the Helghast in this first person shooter from Guerrilla Games.

    mystyr_e's DLC Bundle Pack (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for mystyr_e

    Maps, they don't love you like I sort of do

    Any online shooter can get additional legs based on the oh-so-popular/hated form of "map packs", additional maps that players can shoot and/or stab their friends and random folk online. When I say "hated" though, I mean how people always have an issue with it one way or the other whether they feel way too pricey for the amount of content you're getting, the quality of the maps themselves or the frequency and even smaller things like community segregation where non-DLC owning players get booted out of lobbies for not ponying up the cash (an issue Bioshock 2 and World at War had). Killzone 2 came with 3 map packs, 2 maps each and the quality of them was kind of uneven really in that save for one pack, each one had a great map and one not-so-great map. Since Sony was kind to combine all maps into a bundle, I'd figure it would be easy to just do an all-encompassing review than 3 separate mini-reviews so with that, here we go. 

    Steel and Titanium Pack

    Wasteland Bullet:Not a really big fan of this map, really. It's more annoying then fun to play on as there's 2 trains side by side, a small bridge you have to jump to (and time, less you get splattered) but the fact the map is so narrow means you'll be spending a lot of time running to the action rather then being in it. 

    Vekta Cruiser:

    A pretty decent map with a big room in the middle which gets frequent shootouts, walkways and corridors on either side and second floors makes this a pretty enjoyable map. It's also a bit too easy to spawn trap and has a somewhat generic design. 

    Steel and Thunder Pack


    Southern Hills

    A remake of a map from the first Killzone, this is actually a pretty decent map with the main structure in the middle getting the bulk of the action but what sets this map apart is the intermittent nuke that goes off as unless you get inside somewhere, the blast wipes everyone out that's caught in the open which can make for some frantic "Get inside!" moments. 

    Beach Head

    Another Killzone 1 return and absolutely one of my favorite maps in the entire game, DLC or not as it looks graphically gorgeous with the thunder, the heavy rain (no pun intended, I know this is PS3) and crashing waves which makes this a great atmospheric map. Not only that but it's perfect for snipers and has a hell of a lot of action for the regular run-and-gunners as well and I sincerely hope it makes a third appearance in the next game.


    Napalm and Cordite Pack


    Arctower Landing

    A pretty fun map with a lot of levels, walkways and spawns the boltgun and is actually a pretty fun map though unfortunately, this wasn't one of the more frequently found maps in matches which made it rare to actually get in the rotation which was a shame. 

    Suljeva Cliffside:

    A rather annoyingly frequent map in the rotation, especially in comparison to its map pack counterpart and was more often found for spawn killing and flamethrower-whoring then anything. It's not a very dynamic map, layout is incredibly basic but thanks to the fact it was easy to get kills, you saw it more then the strategy offered by Arctower Landing. 
    So really there you have it, some decent maps, a clunker and one amazing map, this isn't really the most stellar map bundles you'll find but it is 6 additional maps and they all come with unique trophies though it might be hard to find lobbies with the maps included.

    Other reviews for DLC Bundle Pack (PlayStation 3)

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