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    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Nov 13, 2007

    A squad-based shooter centering around the uneasy alliance between ex-military mercenary Adam 'Kane' Marcus and the psychopathic James Lynch.

    darkido07's Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox 360) review

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    • darkido07 wrote this review on .
    • 1 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • darkido07 has written a total of 6 reviews. The last one was for Resident Evil 4
    • This review received 1 comments

    Kane and Lynch, good or complete crap?

    Kane and Lynch isn't an ugly, ugly game, in fact it’s incredibly under-rated. The hate surrounding this game has shunned it when it has done nothing wrong, that would be EDIOS and C|NET that have caused issues, not Kane and Lynch. When you play this game you have to keep a straight face and an open mind, and you will find a burred gem with a lot of problems.

    Kane and Lynch starts off with you breaking out of jail. Kane is on death row for killing twenty-five people in , and Lynch is on death row for the murder of his wife, which he may or may not have killed. Kane is a mercenary and Lynch is a medicated sociopath. After you break out of jail you’re taken to the The7 who Kane thought were dead and made off with all their loot from . The7 threaten Kane to give them back their money or they would kill his family. So the story kinda faults there as it turns into a revenge saga and after the eleventh or so mission you really forgot that you’re the bad guys which is the games main problem, is you truly never feel like convicted murder. There is some character development between Kane and Lynch but it is little and mostly comes at the ending, which there are two endings, none of which end happily, and ultimately set up for a sequel.

    Now the graphics in Kane and Lynch aren’t great but they aren’t horrible. Character models and reflections are especial nice. Textures are lacking and this ultimately looks like a game that could have been done on the original Xbox.

    However the pacing and level design in Kane and Lynch is spot on throw challenges at you at the right times and your always going to be busy shooting cops. Squad commands are fairly easy to use and for the majority of the time your squad mates do listen to you. The AI in Kane and Lynch is about the same as Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, but that is no compliment by any means, the AI are just plain stupid, but what they lack in brain power they make for with fire power and numbers. A few well placed shots and you will be downed, and when that happens one of your crew members will come over and inject you with adrenaline which will bring you back to full health and you can continue fighting. But if you take to much adrenaline in a scene you will overdose and die. This does carry over to your crew mates except you’re the only person that can heal your team-mates and if they die its mission over, thankfully they can’t overdose. The gun play is awesome, aiming can be a little tricky and weapons have major recoil. You can carry one main weapon and one side arm with two types of grenades.  Another thing that Kane and Lynch does differently is it puts you in crowds of people, luckily if you kill any of them it doesn’t affect whether you complete a mission or not. There is a cover system in Kane and Lynch but it isn’t button activated its automatic which does lead to a few problems but generally it works about 85% of the time. The cover is only really for the ends of walls, tables, and pillars’, you can’t be on the middle of wall in cover; you just have to play that like its Army of Two. Now you can blind fire by just pressing fire when you’re in and out of cover, or you can aim by pressing the left trigger.

    Now the multiplayer of Kane and Lynch is truly something special. The best way I can describe it is Counter-Strike meets Cop’s and Robber’s . Everyone starts off as a robber and tries to rob a bank or steal some drugs enemy AI (the cops) try and kill you. Now at anyone point a robber can turn traitor and try to make off with all the loot. Dead robbers respawn as cops. Now with your money you can pick three kits of weapons, armor, and grenades. Your bandaclave also changes color based on if you turned traitor, and how much money you have/got away with. Its extremely fun and really complex, in fact it may be one of the most addictive and greatest multiplayer game mode made recently.

    Kane and Lynch has some really great ideas but they all don’t come out an the game does have some problems but if you can look past them and the single-players short campaign and enjoy the ride your going to have mega fun with Kane and Lynch especially in the multiplayer if you can still find people playing it, and for $24 used you can’t go wrong for a new game to try out.

    Other reviews for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox 360)

      Mixed opinions 0

      Ive read most of peoples reviews on this game and the 'video' review and agree and disagree at the same time! I think the overall concept of Kane and Lynch is very good however when it gets down to it its so hard to 'like' the main characters in this story. I mean they really are I mean really are bad guys! So when I was playing I couldnt help thinking that I deserve to just die! I have to say that the graphics on this game arent appauling however considering Assassin's Creed came out around the...

      1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Decent campaign 0

      Danish IO Interactive is of course most know for their Hitman franchise. This is their first game in a new franchise where stars are: Mister Kane and Mister Lynch. Game play is story driven first person shooter with cover/squad mechanism.  Story starts with a heist like action and then turns into a revenge mission. In the end story becomes a rescue flick. Not really original and interesting other than the observing the strange chemistry between Kane and Lynch. Especially in a certain ...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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