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    Jamieson Price

    Person »

    American voice actor who has lent his talent to such revered franchises as "Ace Combat" and "Call of Duty". He can also be heard in numerous Japanese RPGs such as "Eternal Sonata" and the ".hack" games.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    278605 reverendhunt Game 03/25/24 09:31PM 28 done
    278604 reverendhunt Game 03/25/24 09:28PM 36 done
    266209 reverendhunt Game 08/10/23 12:17AM 12 done
    179646 SpongeBat1 Game 10/05/21 02:03PM 28 done
    172317 audioBusting Game updating roster voice cast 08/07/21 06:20AM 98 done
    162981 glik Game 06/06/21 07:38AM 100 done
    152384 Pew_Pew_McGrew Person 03/10/21 02:37PM 4 done
    148328 Pew_Pew_McGrew Game 02/05/21 04:55PM 108 done
    146924 SpongeBat1 Game 01/27/21 12:05PM 278 done

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