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    Halo 4

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Nov 05, 2012

    The first game in the second saga of the Halo sci-fi series has the Master Chief awakening from cryostasis as he explores the mysterious Forerunner shield world Requiem, fights a newly-formed Covenant group, and accidentally awakens an ancient evil.

    btbam92's Halo 4 (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for btbam92

    The first of another three

    One of the most popular game series returns with another 2 more guaranteed. The game doesn't feel much different from the originals which most fans will appreciate. The campaign is just as lengthy as the originals as well. The multiplayer runs like Halo Reach with a couple new qualities but not enough to make it feel any different. A new feature they have is spartan ops which is a new side story with new episodes coming out every couple weeks. It's pretty much 5 missions per episode but most of the missions are just the same maps over and over. It feels repetitive. Most people that liked old Halo will love this game but if you were expecting some more out of the series you won't get it.


    Other reviews for Halo 4 (Xbox 360)

      Don't hate me bro. 0

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      6 out of 7 found this review helpful.

      Halo is back with a bang, but forgot some features 0

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      4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

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